Paarin Martous

UP : Near Vesper (All Shards)

An alarming increase in attacks on Vesper has been reported this past
week. The attackers have been large hordes of trolls... sometimes having ogres or other
dangerous beats as their fighting partners. The Vesper guards have not been able to come
up with an explanation for these increased attacks, but the increase has meant quite an
increase in guard shifts as well.
"Aye! We are working quite a lot of overtime these days,"
said Horace the guard, "Trying to keep these trolls out of the city has become a full
time job. I know not why these attacks have become so much more frequent. We are still
managing to keep them out of the city limits, but they are coming dangerously close to
getting in."
The attacks have mostly centered on the roads in and out of the city.
It seems the trolls are trying to choke off the city by closing down the passageways to
and from the town. When the trolls are spotted, the town criers located around the world
begin to shout out a cry for help.
Many brave adventurers always answer the call, and rush to do battle
with the invading monsters. This image obtained by the Town Cryer shows the huge
battle scene packed with both human fighters and the giant trolls.
These most recent attacks have seemed to center around the road leading
west from Vesper toward Britain, as well as the road that leads north out of the city past
Vesper's graveyard.
The Town Cryer will be keeping watch over this situation and
will report on any new developments. Keep reading!

From the Town Cryer - The Journal of Ultima Online, Monday, April 27th 1998
