

An Old Weathered parchment washed up on shore today in Skara Brae.
The Parchment was sent to Britain for examination and showing. On Closer examination with
the use of fire light, words could be made out to the whereabouts of the Treasure of the
long dead Pirate Maullar.
The hunt was on, clue after clue was discovered leading closer to
the great treasure. At last, The last clue was found. Placing the clues together gave a
location for the Treasure. I was told that on arrival the parties were met with a Horde of
Trolls. The warriors fought bravely and bested most of the creatures. Doing so the
warriors found the treasure chests and attempted to open them. Several warriors met an
untimely death, the Chests were trapped and only the Death of all the Monsters could
remove the spell. The warriors fought the last of the Beasts and opened the Chests, Gold,
Armor, Weapons poured forth and the warriors celebrated their victory.
I even heard one say " Mauller, Bah!! No wonder he is dead, if
that is all he can send at us. "
Twas a good day today in Britannia

From the Town Cryer - The Journal of Ultima Online, Monday, May 18th 1998
