Malorian Maiytlin

UP : Buccaneer's Den (Napa Valley)

They are not particularly strong, except of course in rotting,
disgusting smell, but in overwhelming numbers they can be quite deadly. I am speaking of
the rancid undead creatures known as zombies. Last night, the foul creatures were found in
large numbers roaming the streets of Buccaneers Den.
The call quickly went out through the Britannian town criers stationed
throughout the land for defenders to come and rid the streets of these foul beasts. Many
brave warriors answered the call and soon the large numbers of zombies were dispatched
from the streets of the town. The Town Cryer received no reports of deaths, but the
mayhem and fighting could have prevented the fighters from gathering an accurate count.
The question remains, however, as to how all these zombies made their
way out to the isolated island of Buccaneers Den. A gruesome theory has been
advanced, though, as some of the shopkeepers that brave the guard-free zone have been
vanishing inexplicably from their shops recently. Not much is usually thought of a
Buccaneers Den shopkeeper that deserts their post in a hurry. The merchants
frequently fall prey to malicious hordes of murderers that make their way out to the
island looking for a merchant with gold to slay and loot.
However, the Town Cryer has received an unusual number of
reports of those Buccaneers Den merchants disappearing lately, and the paper will
try to verify that this is happening at an alarmingly increasing rate.

From the Town Cryer - The Journal of Ultima Online, Monday, June 22nd 1998
