Mallat Rhyquon

UP : Moonglow (Catskills/Baja)

Last weeks Conversational Britannian
lecture was such a success (See: Moonglow Lycaeum Lecture Series Draws Large Numbers,
Lifestyle Section, Monday, June 29), that the lecture series organizers have decided
to continue it throughout the other shards of Britannia. Tomorrow, the lecture will move
to the shard of Britannia known as Catskills, and if time permits in Seer Halos
schedule, Baja as well.
The Conversational Britannian lecture was developed by Seer
Halo, a longtime citizen of Britannia, and the lecture covers the proper use of the
language native to the land. Many people hear the shopkeepers speaking with all the
thees, thous, and thys, said Seer Maverick, organizer of the lecture
series, but they are not really sure how to use the language themselves. Thats
why Seer Halo gathered his notes and decided to share his knowledge of the language with
anyone who desires to learn it.
The last Conversational Britannian lecture drew scores of people
interested in bettering their knowledge of the language. The lectures usually last around
fifteen to forty-five minutes, and the teaching seer then takes questions from the
audience for as long as his or her schedule permits.
It makes for an interesting day, said Seer Maverick,
but I do wish to remind people that this is not a typical quest, as many
think of it. This is a chance to learn and increase knowledge of the world around us.
There are no monsters to fight and no treasure to be gained, unless, of course, you count
knowledge as treasure... which I certainly do.
The lecture is expected to start between 2PM and 3PM Central Time. The
town criers will begin shouting of the event thirty minutes to one hour before it starts.
Transportation will be provided through a red moongate on the second floor of the Britain
Library, and return transportation will be provided through a red moongate on the grounds
of the Moonglow Lycaeum.

Seer Halo, teacher of the Conversational Britannian lecture, takes
questions from the audience during the last lecture on the Atlantic shard

From the Town Cryer - The Journal of Ultima Online, Saturday, July 4th 1998
