Deborah the Scribe

UP: Lake Superior

Jhelom -
"tequipment s all beaten up n broken down!"
"eres not enough money for ale!"
"es downright cruel!"
The words flew through the air harsh and cold, the reality even
worse, according to the gladiators standing outside the Jhelom arena.
This reporter followed them and hid nearby, sensing a tale to be
told later.
The gladiators decided to launch a protest in lieu of the
evenings scheduled activity at the Jhelom fighting pit.
enuffs enuff I say! was one of the
familiar cries, as they marched to the northern island, taking refuge in one of the small
A while later after the scheduled time of the event had passed, the
scholar known as Seer Bastet came upon the scene, riding her steed with a warrior in tow
to survey the situation. No doubt she had heard they were holed up on the northern island,
protesting. The two then quickly disappeared upon spying the gladiators.
Moments later, others arrived, to challenge the rebelling fighters.
After a short time, blue gates appeared with folks pouring through
the blue glow who had rallied to the cause of putting down the gladiators. Many fell on
all sides, and quickly.
One of the gladiators, when ressurected, quickly attempted to gain
support of the crowd to no avail. The crowd itself seemed divided upon slaying Borden on
the spot, or letting him be. Several of them attempted to talk to Borden, to reason with
him and show him the error of his ways. Eventually those sympathetic to the
gladiators cause attacked Borden, but he escaped easily.
When contacted the next morning about the slaughter of his former
employees and his future plans, Borden the owner, replied, Why my plans are quite
simple, hire new fighters.
The show must go on.
From the Town Cryer - The Journal of Ultima Online, Tuesday, January 26th 1999