Genn Wintord

UP: Catskills

In an unanticipated attack, a sizeable force of orcs and ettins
invaded the fortified town of Cove slaying the local guard and most of the towns
populace. The only known survivor of the massacre among the town guards is an unidentified
messenger who carried word of the attack to Sir Geoffrey in Britain. Upon learning of the
extent of the attack, Sir Geoffrey assigned General Jetrin Valek to lead the force which
was to retake the town.
Due to budgetary
constraints and the many assignments throughout the realm which require the use of Order
Guards, only six of this elite crew were available to accompany General Valek and his two
Lieutenants (Finn and Wendell). With such a small force of trained troops available and a
force of unknown size already holding the walls of Cove, General Valek requested that all
able bodied adventurers report to Lord Britishs castle for temporary indoctrination
in the Britannian General Army. The General was said to be pleased at the speed at which a
sizeable number of citizens responded to the call to arms. An unidentified court magician
was employed to provide a long term gate to the Cove area for the duration of the battle.
Upon arriving at the gates of Cove, it was discovered that a
vanguard of brave citizens had already broken through the forces at the gates and were
engaged in a holding action just inside the walls. The arrival of General Valeks
army signalled the beginning of the end for the savage orcs attempting to hold the town.
The orc and ettin lines were quickly broken and the remaining work mostly involved the
crushing of small pockets of resistance. No Order Guards under the Generals direct
command were lost in the fighting although several of the citizens did die in the battle.
When asked about the loses Valek responded, The loses were acceptable for a mission
of this type.
What did concern the General was that there were very few signs of
organized resistance from the Cove Guardmost of their bodies were found in front of
a house on the west side of town in a manner that indicated ambush. Following the battle,
General Valek spoke with this reporter:
Its unclear why a large percentage of the guard was in a
position to be removed without a struggle. For the best future of Cove and for the
continued safety of its citizen I must consider that fact and come to the conclusion that
a betrayal from inside the guard is the most likely explanation. With this in mind I am
declaring the town of Cove under marshal law. All citizens of Cove are required to remain
in town and the town gates will be locked. No person will be permitted to enter without
signed authorization from either me or my Lieutenants. Once the cause of this disaster has
been found to my satisfaction, marshal law will be lifted.
General Valek could not be reached for further comment, but the lock-down of Cove has
ended so we can only presume that the General has found a cause for this attack.
From the Town Cryer - The Journal of Ultima Online, Monday, March 8th 1999