Gilbert Von Deen

UP: Britannia

Due to the less then frequent travel on Britannia's roads, a large
brigand population has flourished. The popularity of using moongates and recall spell to
travel this great land rather then going by foot or on horseback, has created a dangerous
environment on the roads between our cities. It seems as though the criminals outnumber
the citizens on all the roads. Recently a caravan traveling from Skara Brae to Britain was
attacked almost continually. The caravan had hired guards but was still overcome by the
tyranny. This reporter is making a challenge to all those citizens who claim to be brave
and who fight for justice. If you truly value the virtues of our land, then travel along
the roads. The strong presence of heroes on the roads will make a brigand think twice
before attacking everyone who walks by.
From the Town Cryer - The Journal of Ultima
Online, Wednesday, April 21st 1999