Gilbert Von Deen

UP: Britannia

For reasons unknown, the mong bat population has increased
dramatically around the dungeon Covetous. Alfred of Yew, a ranger in the towns
employ had this to say. Well it tis Spring and them mong bats are fast
breeders. Me guess is not enough people are hunting them and this has caused what ye might
call a population explosion.
It took a large group of Britain citizens to quell this recent out
break of mong bat activity. Gallen, a mercenary making his home outside of Skara Brae,
said We keep cutting them down and they kept a coming. I lot count of the number of
those buggers I killed. It must have been over fifty and when I left they were still
fighting them.
According to Alfred the only thing to prevent this occurring again
is to continually hunt mong bat. that way ye keep there numbers low.
From the Town Cryer - The Journal of Ultima
Online, Sunday, May 2nd 1999