
UP: Europa/Drachenfels

I am a fisherman by trade, so I spend a great deal of time near or
on the waters of Britannia. I have seen many a thing happen on the water, but none quite
like this.
I was fishing off the shore of the mainland near the ferry docks of
Skara Brea. I noticed three prisoner ships a sail heading for Britain. I stopped my
fishing and stood back away from the shore to watch the ships sail by. My father always
warned me about the cursed folk aboard those foul barges. This thought stabbed at my brain
as I watched the events unfold.
From out of nowhere flames shot up on the decks of all three ships.
Mages revenge? Perhaps
or just a failed escape attempt by the prisoners. I could see
their chained bodies running through the flames; the fire hungrily engulfing the human
forms. I wretched from the smell of burning flesh, as I watched the ships go down with all
they carried. What a horrid way to be stripped from your mortal coil. The prisoners must
have signed their souls away to some daemon, for what happened next I cannot yet fully
explain. Crates and chests washed ashore, some burnt, some with goods still intact and
undamaged. I managed to sneak a Magic Dagger from one of the undamaged chests; it was then
that I felt fear crawl up my spine. I turned to see skeletal forms rise from the water. By
the dragons in the sky, the water was alive with undead and they were coming ashore,
toward me. I ran to Britain as fast as my feet would carry me. I lost my newly found
dagger along the way, at the time I cared not.
As I reached Britain I called to the Guards, but they only protect
in city limits. Scared witless, I turned to the only person who I thought could help, the
Town Cryer. He had a shocked on his face as he bellowed the news of my horrible tale.
Luckily, there were several groups of warriors that took to dispersing the undead, quite
handily I must say. I still have yet to find that magic dagger I dropped in my hasty
retreat. I think I will stay away from the water for a while. Mother always said I was a
decent tailor
Marcus the Fisherman

From the Town Cryer - The Journal of Ultima Online, Saturday, July 3rd 1999
