Genn Wintord

UP: Catskills

The following is an official
release from the military government of Trinsic:
By order of Lord General Jetrin
Valek, the island containing the Paladin�s park, library, training
hall and shrine is off limits to any and all until further notice. The
treasonous actions of this island�s inhabitants has been noted and the
charter allowing their use of the facilities in question is hereby
revoked. Any persons offering shelter (within the town walls) to the
Paladins will be investigated and if the situation warrants these people
may be found to be co-conspirators.
Upon further
questioning the General�s staff was not willing to fully explain these
�treasonous� actions although they did provide a short list without
- Attempting to countermand the
arrest of a suspected criminal
- Protecting a suspected criminal
- Providing transport for the
escape of a suspected criminal
- Inciting rebellion against the
officers of His Majesty

From the Town Cryer - The Journal of Ultima Online, Tuesday, July
6th 1999