Garth Rannz

UP: Sonoma

It was
a dark day indeed when the evil Troll, the DarkOne, possessed the body of
Andross Explorer, and forced him to commit heinous acts in his name. In an
effort to weaken Andross� spirit and take full and final control of his
body, the DarkOne targeted that which Andross held most dear: the Shrines.
The three shrines most beloved to Andross were
corrupted by the DarkOne�s evil: Valor, Justice and Spirituality.
Led by the brave souls at the Mage Tower, a solution
was sought to restore the Shrines to their previous pure states. Help came
from a most unexpected quarter: the Dread Archmage Balart. Many doubt his
ultimate intentions, but his information on possible relief has proven
helpful so far.
 Balart spoke of
the studies of another mage, Alkazar, and of his theory that when the
Shrines are threatened their power takes root in the fabric of the earth
itself�within a plant, rock, or tree. Three books of Alkazar were sought
that were thought to contain clues of the possible locations of the
sheltered power of the Virtues.
Directed by the
scholar Herin N�Boath, many brave adventurers sought and deciphered the
mathematical riddles of Alkazar. After solving these riddles, they found
three oddly-hued and exceedingly magical trees that seem to contain the
aspects of Virtue.
It is presumed that an object shall be constructed from
the wood of these trees to rescue the Shrines, but what special tools and
Rituals must be located to do so correctly is unknown at this point.

From the Town Cryer - The Journal of Ultima Online, Sunday,
August 8th