Permilia Morgan

UP: Atlantic

I had heard reports of an influx of giant spiders spotted around the Yew area.
Sightings have been made from as far west as West Yew University to as far east
as the Yew Moongate and the Akalabethian Village. I decided to set forth to Yew
and investigate these rumors further.
I spoke with a farmer near the University that said that he had seen many a
young student running about with a giant spider fast on their tales. He then
chuckled and added that he was glad it was not himself they were chasing.
A forensics specialist performed an examination of one of the corpses for me and
has found traces of white powder residue on the corpse. Coupled with his
additional find of pieces of wheat stalk stuck to their feet, he has determined
the white powder to be flour.
I found this
interesting and went to the Abbey to do some research with the monks there. One
monk recalled that a while back the Yew Mill had become over run with the crawly
beasts. He remembered the Town Cryers all shouting about the mess and many brave
warriors setting off to free the town of the infestation there. I thanked him
and started to look through old stories in their library and indeed came across
one reporting of the Mill's infestation. Hrmm, I thought, is it possible that
one of the egg sacs was not destroyed?

From the Town Cryer - The Journal of Ultima Online,