Percian Quillfeather

UP: Great Lakes

The Moonglow Mage Guild, known for its
advancement of the arcane arts over the ages, has exiled one of its members from
ever researching magic in any official guildhall again.
Sargon, the mage who helped develop the cure for the more deadly poisons found
in the new lands, has been deemed dangerous to the guild, and Sosaria as a
Sargon has been accused and proven to be working on an unapproved magic spell,
though we could not dig up any more details on the spell as the mages are
remaining silent. It is known however, that Sargon has vowed his revenge on the
mage guild, before he was teleported away, after being stripped of his mage
guild robe and hat, against his will.
It is unknown where Sargon is at this time. If anyone has any information on the
whereabouts of Sargon, please inform your local guard post, so they may keep
their eyes peeled.

From the Town Cryer - The Journal of Ultima Online,