Phineus Row

UP: Chesapeake

Seamus Finlay, archaeologist of the VesperMuseum,
recently unearthed the "Bloodeye Cutlass" south
of Skara Brae,on the mainland. The Bloodeye Cutlass once belonged
to infamous pirate CaptainMartin Bloodeye, and was long thought
lost. Recent excavations by Seamus Finlay,and his brother
Simon, led to the rediscovery of this notable relic.
Previous digs had unfortunately stirred up various Undead
monsters, and thistime was no different. Fortunately, local
adventurers Darius, Ghazkull Thraka,and Tellute were on hand
to assist the stalwart archaeologist, as seen in theaccompanying
artist's rendering of the scene (Bijoue, another assistant,
wasunavailable at the time of painting). Mr. Finlay was noted
afterward as saying,"It was my good luck that those people
were able to help. I know I wouldn'thave been able to complete
my work without them."
Mr. Finlay also noted that, with the halting of their digging,
the Undead shouldno longer be disturbed and threaten the local
populace as had occurred in thepast 10 days. Farmers and other
nearby residents have confirmed their relief,and will be returning
to their normal business schedules.
The Bloodeye Cutlass is being transferred to the Vesper Museum
for study, andeventual storage.

From the Town Cryer - The Journal of Ultima Online,
Wednesday, June
14th 2000