Ferran Azelle

UP: Catskills

As I have reported in the past, the relics
of Stormguard have caused great turmoil for the people of
Northwood. After lengthy searches spanning the land of Britannia
the people of Northwood had nearly all of the ancient relics
in their grasp and prepared to utilize them against Lord Ventryn.
However, depressing news reached my ears this day..
The relics of Stormguard have been lost to Lord Ventryn, the
vile fiend who intends to utilize the power of the relics
for his own dark and evil intentions. After orchestrating
an elaborate deception and acting as the spirit of Lord Pythos,
Ventryn captured the Helm of Thunder, thus completing the
chain of relics. Once Ventryn utilized the initial power of
the Stormguard relics the true manifestation of Lord Pythos'
spirit could materialize. Reportedly the spirit informed the
people of Northwood and their allies of the coming dangers
that would emerge from Ventryn's newly acquired power. With
both Thain Fallshornand Xenthyl the Phantom captured by Ventryn,
Northwood and their allies must act alone in their battle
against Ventryn. Lord Pythos warned that the results ofVentryn's
power would soon become evident, but no one suspected it would
occur so soon..
following day Ventryn's onslaught of attacks began. Stark's
Keep, the acting haven for the people of Northwood and their
allies, was the obvious target. Informants have reported that
the intensity of the undead attacks have increased dramatically
and steadily throughout the day, each wave of undead more
significant than the last. Rumors persist of rarely seen undead
beings, such as lich fiends that seem to be the most powerful
undead minions of Ventryn's army.
As the undead armies began to increase in size so did the
frequency of their attacks. Various informants have reported
that there are only brief pauses before more minions arrive
to terrorize Northwood and their allies. People from all over
Britannia rush to defend Stark's Keep from the dangers brought
forth byVentryn's attacks. However, as Ventryn's power gradually
increases as a resultof the relics, it is suspected that his
army will grow as well. How much longer can these battles
Apparently the defenders of Stark's Keep can only wait until
Ventryn makes himself vulnerable to a direct attack against
him, which unfortunately is unlikely. With the power of the
Stormguard relics at Ventryn's whim, direct attacks against
him are nearly impossible.
I hope that my next report will chronicle Ventryn's defeat
and not the defeat of those who oppose him...

From the Town Cryer - The Journal of Ultima Online,
Wednesday, July
12th 2000