Stav Korwell

UP: Sonoma

Jurri the Rogue recently revealed that
theEmerald Enchantress told her minions she has a secret weakness-Orwen's
Orb. TheEnchantress instructed her minions to find the Orb,
so it can not be usedagainst her.
Long ago a mage named Orwen was defeated by Ponthor, a rival
mage. Orwen vowedto overcome his foe, so with his powerful
magic, Orwen crafted a mystical Orb.When Orwen placed the
Orb in front of his rival, the power of the Orb froze thethe
other mage so he could not move. When Orwen chanted the incantation
toactivate the Orb, the Orb drained all the magical power
from the mage Ponthor,and he became powerless. Orwen continued
to use his orb to defeat any other magewho opposed him and
thus became one of the most powerful mages in the realm.After
350 years, Orwen died the final death and passed on to the
beyond. Nobodyknows what happened to Orwen's Orb.
Gypsy Doria Romanov is doing her best to find the orb before
the Enchantressdoes. While it is not known for certain that
the Orb can defeat the Enchantress,Doria is willing to try
anything that might stop the evil sorceress whokidnapped her
If you want to help Doria search for Orwen's Orb, come to
Doria's tent in SkaraBrae at 7 PM (Pacific time) on Tuesday,
July 25. Her tent is located justnorthwest of the Skara Brae

From the Town Cryer - The Journal of Ultima Online,
Sunday, July
23rd 2000