Cheyne Aybara

UP: Lake Superior

The final day of competition at the BritannianGames
was filled with humor and excitement as the final calculations
were beingdrawn up to determine the overall winner of the
games. The day's events were setto be a tailoring contest,
a drinking contest, a scavenger hunt, and a bardiccontest.
Though competitors lined up with a face of seriousness for
each event, theirspirits were quickly lightened upon seeing
the friendliness of the opposition.All of the contestants
were eagerly looking forward to Tuesday's AwardsCeremony.
The day's first event was a tailoring competition which provided
all thecompetitors with 150 leather and a few sewing kits.
Their goal: to craft as manypieces of leather from the stock
as possible. Full suits, exceptional pieces,and GM marked
goods were awarded with extra scores. The city of Moonglow
on thefacet of Trammel took home both the first place award,
which went to Geo, aswell as the third place, Hannah. In second
place, Joylah, representing theTrammel facet of Yew. This
proved to be a sign for the day�s events as Yew andMoonglow
would be pushing each other harder and harder as the day went
Following the tailoring event, the game titled "the silliest
thing we couldcome up with" by its sponsors, Yew's Winner's
Circle Track was home to adrinking competition. The contestants
were given bottles of ale and asked tohead to their marks
on the track. The contestants downed their entire bottle ofale
and were instructed to race around the track in the wrong
Three awards were dropped on the track in random locations
and the folks whopicked them up were awarded the prizes as
well as the points. Nexus, AceMcCloud, and Valiant carried
home some silly prizes, but had fun in the processwe were
The scavenger hunt, the meat of all the games due to points
going directly tothe city's overall scores, was to take place
between all the cities ofBritannia. The contenders were given
a large list of items that seemed quitestrange to the contestants,
but points were awarded based on the difficulty offinding
each item. All the cities competed well for the entire hour
that theywere given. When the hour's time was called, crateloads
of goods were brought toYew for Grizzly Carter, coordinator
of the games, to total.
After spending what seemed like eons, Grizzly found his way
to the front of thecrowd and announced the winners. The elven
city of Tel'Ruid took first place.Following close behind was
the Trammel Facet of Yew, and shortly behind them,the Trammel
facet of Moonglow.
The last event for the day was the bardic contest, which was
judged andcoordinated by two bards, Lady Leanne and Lady Julietta
from the Britain MusicConservatory. The contestants all performed
pre-rehearsed programs for thejudges, but then were surprised
when they were required to compete in a second,improvisational
round. Picky performed a prop-story, Shamus told of his trialsto
become a lord and his days as a murderer, John Cainbridge
performed a pieceabout his dearest Clio Temesa, and the lass
Hannah recited a beautiful poem.When the judges finalized
their decisions, Cainbridge came home with the firstplace
award, followed closely by Hannah and Picky, both from the
Trammel facetof Moonglow.
The Awards Ceremony for the Britannian Games will take place
on Tuesday at 8pmCST. All the winners who competed for the
teams of Moonglow (Trammel), Yew(Trammel) and Tel'Ruid (Felucca)
are asked to attend. There will be an awardwaiting for each.

From the Town Cryer - The Journal of Ultima Online,
Wednesday, July
26th 2000