Hank Danger  UP: Baja  Agnacio, nobleman of Skara Brae, and Bert, the
Magincian merchant who became Skara Brae's largest landowner overnight,
announced today that they were entering a partnership. The move puzzled and
confused many people, both among those who watch the nobility and those who
track the land's merchants.
"It must be a great move for Bert", said Jeremy, a scribe in Yew.
"He has found an independently wealthy nobleman to partner with, but I
truly wonder what Agnacio thinks he will get out of it. Something like this has
to have a very specific purpose."
Goriel, a Trinsic shop owner, was equally puzzled. "I personally don't see
what Bert is looking for here. Agnacio is known as a bit of a philantropist, but
he has no real interest in the mechant's craft. He can supply gold, of course,
but I know of a dozen potential partners for Bert who are equally wealthy and
who would prove more useful on the commercial side of things." While the
pair has not revealed the purpose of their partnership, one immediate result has
been felt. Skara Brae's craftsmen were asked for one last flurry of activity as
Agnacio's plan came together today, and the purpose behind the nobleman's
purchases has been revealed. Today on Bert's fields near Skara Brae stands a
stage, an arena, a statue, a banquet table... and more.
"Agnacio's craftsmen are very talented", said the famed architect
Benton. "Not only are these constructions well-made and well-designed,
they've also been erected almost overnight. That must have taken a lot of work,
and I must say, I am impressed." Strong approval from a man who has been
known to harshly critique the style of Lord Blackthorne's residence.
Prominently displayed on banners around the field are the words, "Skara
Brae Faire Grounds". It seems Agnacio's intent was to give Skara Brae one
thing it was direly missing: a place to hold its festivals and holidays.
Rachel, a fighter from Jhelom, was especially excited by the closed arena.
"A fine place for dueling", she comments. "Just the right size,
not so large that one has to run forever to catch his opponent, but not so small
as to make strategy useless." "My friend and I snuck in and tried the
stage", said Jean, a young lass of the town who aspires to be a bard.
"There's lots of seating for the audience and I love how the sound
Not all mysteries have been solved in Skara Brae, however. "Looking at the
calendar, I see no holidays coming", said Jessica, scribe to the town's
mayor. "Agnacio might be preparing for the next big feast, but that is a
few months from now, so why all the haste?"
Some, like Jean, don't care. "I think Agnacio and Bert are planning a