Lord Agnacio  UP: Baja  Hail Citizens of Britannia,
With hard work and toil consuming our lives, our minds have become stretched,
and our memories lay worn. So now, as we edge closer and closer towards the
grand Feast of Spirits, I feel it has become necessary to issue a reminder of my
invitation to each and everyone of you:
You are Cordially Invited To Attend the Skara Brae Feast of Spirits
Date: Sunday, Sept. 3, 2000
Time: Noon PST to Midnight PST
Where: The Skara Brae Faire Grounds, located North-East of Skara Brae, at 47o
32'S 25o 47'W, in Trammel
What to Expect: Food, fun, drink and game! There are activities of all sorts
planned throughout the day!
As previously noted, all are invited not only to participate in the events held,
but also to contribute with their own! Already, we have many guilds lined up to
present plays, hold pie-eating contests, preside over races, etc. But there is
still much space left to fill! This is the perfect chance to stand up and be
noticed, and to do so in a way that benefits countless members of the community!
If you, your guild, tavern, city or town, would like to hold events at the
Feast, it is asked that all events be submitted prior for approval. To make this
as easy as possible for myself, and my workers, all events must be submitted
using the following format:
Name of Event:
Organization/Person Holding the Event:
Needed Faire Facilities (Stage, Arena, Tables, Bar, Pond, etc.):
Requested Time to Start Event (PST) (Include three):
Estimated Length of Event:
Event Description:
Any Other Information/Comments You Wish to Include:
Please remember that all event submissions must be in no later than Wednesday,
August 30th, so time is of the essence!
As a final note, I will remain busy with preparation work until the day of the
Feast, so any questions or event submissions you may have, should be directed to
Seer Eliar at [email protected].
Thank you for your interest, and I look forward to seeing you at the Feast!
Your Friend,