Rumors and Lies

UP: Drachenfels & Europa

   Some people have sensed an ethereal disturbance, gypsies and mediums throughout the realm have begun converging to discuss a possible link between the visions each has been having. The underlying belief is that Nocsaal, who some know as `he who walks with serpents`, is stirring in his lair...

The arena structure has almost been completed now, the pier leading to it being located near the Nujel`m Court on Felucca. The arena itself seems to include systems of an arcane nature, touching the statues apparently leads to being immediately summoned into the arena, and only the correct words spoken aloud will lead to release. We still await an official statement on the arena`s function, suffice to say excitement is already spreading among Britannian folk, curious to know what lies ahead.

Work has begun on a huge platform rising on ominous pillars from the sea. Some have said this could be linked with the mysterious chess-board style designs reported several weeks ago...

Although news of the mysterious animal experiments said to be occuring within Lord British`s castle has died down, higher level officials have indicated the significance of these experiments, and informed us that their true intent shall be revealed in the coming weeks...

From the Town Cryer - The Journal of Ultima Online