Player Run Establishments

The Mystic Mead Tavern

Screen Shot of OverHead Map of Establishment's Location. Last Visited by Cymidei Fier - 02/08/2002
Coordinates: 132�16's 51�19'E - Trammel

A messenger arrived from afar at the gates of my castle bearing news of a Paladin and his lady who established a tavern south of Trinsic. Gathering my weathered leather journal and pen I set out to find them.

I found the Mystic Mead Tavern a short distance from the City of Trinsic. If one walks south from the Trinsic moongate to the edge of the jungle and then east it is easily found.

The Mystic Mead is open every Friday and Saturday evening from 5 PM to 8 PM PST. Famous for dart contests, ale and good spirits, the Mystic Mead is a fun place to relax and enjoy an evening of fun and games with friends.

Visitors of the Mystic Mead can expect to find friendly staff and receive pleasant service. The tavern was founded a year ago by Lord Trekkon and Lady Rhiannon but is currently under new ownership.


The Mystic Mead Tavern.