Coordinates:57'13'S COORDS 2' 10�E - Trammel
A friend and I traveled recently to the City of Vigil,
which is located just east of the hedge maze in a clearing
shaped like a donut. Vigil is a quaint city and home
of The Dark Wardens; many members live in the city and run
shops inside it's borders. If you visit Vigil be
sure to visit the Rusty Dagger Tavern, run by the grand
old dwarf Thorin Orcist! You'll also enjoy the vendor
malls, rune library, and the exquisite Guild Tower.
The City of Vigil is governed by a council called, The
Eternal Vigilants, who believe in guarding the realm against
evil and fostering the nobility of the human spirit.
One can find citizens of the city just about any time.
If not in the town itself then seek them out behind the
Skara Brae bank.
Dark Warden's Website