Lumaria, Town of Sacrifice |
or about the 7th of February 1998, a small player-run town announced
its opening with but 3 small houses. From these humble beginnings
and through many trials and tribulations rose Lumaria,
Baja�s oldest player-run city. Its members are dedicated role-players
who have provided Lumaria with a culture and history all their
own that is so rich in its detail that there is not enough space
here to adequately describe it all.
In addition to the known races of Britannia (predominantly
human), Lumaria consists of two races which citizens are free
to role-play...the Lumi and the Nahadrakeen. The Lumi are
elf-like and strongly resemble the High Elves, who might be
related to them in some way. The Nahadrakeen are a race of
mountain dwarves.
According to legend, the Lumarians once prospered in the
grand city of Luminate. The location of Luminate is matter
of much speculation, since few records exist. Some say that
Luminate was built on far off Dagger Isle, others say that
Vesper rose from the city�s ruins. In any case, a Nahadraken
named Hawkwing, for reasons lost to history, hired soldiers
from Lord Blackthorn�s Chaos Guard to invade Luminate. A bloody
civil war between Lumi and Nahadrakeen ensued, and many of
the Lumi people were sought out, hunted down, and killed.
Hawkwing had an eye for Lumi women, and did later marry one
by the name of Lealani. Lealani bore a son named Galen, although
Hawkwing was not the father, and Galen became the founder
of Lumaria.
Galen was Lumaria�s first leader, carrying the title of Sara
Ohm, and the town prospered under his rule. However, one day
Galen vanished. A man named Samuel claimed that Galen was
slain by Orcs and that he found the corpse. This would appear
to be the case since Samuel had Galen�s keys and thus, access
to all the town�s buildings. Samuel ransacked the town during
the night, and soon after, Galen�s houses fell down due to
lack of upkeep. �Twas a dark time for the town.
However, Galen�s good friend Kvarno Goldeneye, along with
several fellow Lumarians, stepped forward and established
Lumaria�s first Town Council, restoring order to the town.
The Nahadrakeen formed an offshoot city, Mordor, near Minoc.
Today, Lumaria consists of approximately 15 public buildings,
to include a multi-purpose tower that serves as a combination
tavern, market, and town hall. The town has been blessed by
the unnamed ones with a new bridge, taking the place of one
created from boats which long provided easy access across
the river. West Lumaria has recently sprouted on the opposite
side of the river. Clearly, Lumaria is in a state of growth
and prosperity.
The role-playing I have seen in Lumaria is second to none.
The Lumarians have a language all their own, much like Dark
Elf Nation, and use it frequently. Their city is hospitable,
friendly, and open to all, and the citizens there welcome
role-playing and frequently do their own player run quests.
If you are looking for a good place to role-play, or would
just like to visit and enjoy their history, culture, and hospitality,
than you can�t go too far wrong by visiting Lumaria, Town
of Sacrifice.
You can visit the Lumaria web page here.
Fairhaven Village, The Heart of the Deep Forest |
Fairhaven Village is a small community of craftsmen and
adventurers located near the Yew Moongate on the Trammel facet.
Silkon, the mayor and founder of Fairhaven Village, was a citizen
of the Kingdom of Dawn, until the Great War that devastated
Felucca. After he crossed over into Trammel, Silkon settled
in a small clearing and opened the Fairhaven Market, with this
first building established, he began the process of reaching
out to his neighbors to form a community. Slowly, the village
grew to include twelve buildings. When asked to describe the
village, Silkon said "we are all family and friends or as close
as you can get to it"
During my visit I saw smiths and other
villagers going about their lives. The folk of the village
seek to uphold Lord British's virtues. Among the virtues Honesty
is held most sacred and hard work is encouraged in Fairhaven
1. Fat Horse Tavern |
2. Rune Library |
3. Stables |
4. Market |
5. Community Center |
6. Armory |
7. Lodge |
8. Arcane Institute |
9. Warrior School |
10. Twilight Traders |
11. Bath House and
Fletcher Shop |
12. AoV Embassy |
13. Party Center |
14. Inn (Burned in a tragic fire) |
Visit Fairhaven
Long ago, according to, Morivoshi, of the dark priesthood.
Oun'Mordrith shaped and created the world according to his will.
Over time, the people of the land became forgetful of Oun'mordrith's
great work and sacrifice... the creation of Sosaria itself.
In his rage, the Dark God began to destroy Sosaria releasing
the forces of chaos, despair and suffering upon mankind.
To mark the sacred place where Oun'Mordrith first emerged
from chaos and began to weave Sosaria a shrine was built
at 143'10'S/21'10'E.
Here the idol of Oun'Mordrith basks in a radiant pool of
blood and gore. The loyal dark priests make grisly offerings
to their God and contemplate his mysteries.
At a second temple located at
66'S 0'S/ 31' 59'E, the priests house relics of Oun'Mordrith
and venerate his teachings. These dark priests seem to be
deeply affected by their deity and have been driven mad
by his influence. Kan Ku, a necromantic priest of the order
said "the temple is still under construction". To find out
more about the Priesthood of Oun'Mordrith, contact: Kan
Ku through ICQ at 40776323.
Just south of the dungeon Wrong, at 102o28'N
42o36'E ye will find an ancient stone tower festooned with
roses and beautiful things; this is the home of the mysterious
Gypsy Queen Syrann and her clan of gypsies.
These good hearted folk often enjoy sparring, hunting, and
storytelling with one another. Zandor Xavier said, "we welcome
anyone of good intentions". The gypsies embrace one another
as family, a misfortune shared by one is felt by all. Those
who come to the gypsies for help are treated with respect
and kindness. Often the ghosts of fallen warriors drift down
from the Dungeon Wrong and receive resurrection.
Queen Syrann said "We are who we are. Together we are everything�and
nothing. A close family who enjoy many things, especially
each other�s company. That is our common interest�otherwise
we�re very individualistic. There are mischief makers, tricksters/pranksters,
warriors, mages, wanderers, craftsmen, treasure seekers, wealth
seekers, companions, helpers, teachers, lovers�the list goes
on and on. To us, we�re nothing special�we are Gypsies. We
follow our own laws, rules, and restrictions. Our loyalties
are fierce, as are our grudges. We�re liked and disliked�loved
and hated�dependable and care free. We enjoy who we are. Why
would that draw the attention of a gadji (non-gypsy)? "I�m
proud of who we are and what we stand for."
The gypsy folk are also well known for their plots and adventures
which can be viewed on The
Society of Gypsies Website, you can also find more information
on the Society of Gypsies on the Ethereal