Chesapeake Olympic Games
During the month of August 2008, the Chesapeake Stratics
News Team will be hosting the Chesapeake Olympics, a series of events that
aim to show excellence in skill in Britannia.
> Questions & Answers
Q. Who can participate?
A. Anyone! Even though this event is on Chesapeake, there is nothing
stopping you from transferring over from another shard to compete!
Q. Are there prizes?
A. You bet! There are millions of gold in prizes to be won, plus the
recognition as a Britannian Olympian.
Q. Will the events be similar in any way to the events
from the Chesapeake 2006 Olympics?
A. Absolutely! Most of the events are identical to those from 2006, with a
few small changes. Returning competitors will even have the chance to
reclaim their titles for another two years.
Q. When will medals and prizes be awarded? After each
A. Actually, medals and prizes will be given out at the Closing Ceremony at
the end of August.
Q. What's this all about teams? I hear that there are
5 teams based on the facets?
A. Yes, there are 5 teams based on each of the facets: Felucca (red),
Trammel (pale gold), Ilshenar (purple), Malas (gray) and Tokuno (light
blue). For each event, competitors have the option of "declaring"
themselves on a team. This will help us in the end to determine which
"Team" won the most medals in the Olympics.
Q. Where can I find more information about events?
A. Check out the list of events below! The Olympics are anticipated to start in mid-August, and will last
2 weeks.
To declare yourself on a team, simply show up in in your team color (preferably wear a robe) and you will be marked down as being on that team. Exact team colors can be found in dye tubs at the Stratics Center/Olympic Hall in Zento. Also, Team Clothing is for sale (cheap) at the Olympic Hall.
> The Olympics HQ / UOSS
Stratics Center
With the advent of the 2008 Chesapeake Olympics, UO Stratics
Chesapeake is proud to announce the opening of the UO Stratics Center in Zento
(Makoto-jima) on the Tokuno Islands. The Olympics Center is a room
attached to the UOSS Center and can be found using the stairs nearest the front
doors to the building.

At the Olympic Center you will find books and runebooks with
information about each event and runes to these events respectively. Also, you
will find colors for every team, with usable dye tubs to dye your own clothes
these official colors. Additionally Olympic clothing crafted with
the special Olympics makers-mark can be purchased for pennies from our vendor.
How to get to the UOSS Stratics & Olympics Center:

> Events by Week
There are two weeks of events and the Closing Ceremony is on Sunday
August 24th 2008, beginning at 8pm ET! Here are the events, by week:
Week 1:
Date: Friday August 15th, 2008 (7:30pm
Event Location: UOSS Stratics Center, Makoto-jima (Zento)
How to get to the event:
The new UOSS Chesapeake Stratics Center can be
found on the west side of Zento (Makoto-jima). The easiest way to
get to the Center is by running from the Makoto-jima Moongate, west
along the main city path, past the bank and to the farthest west
road in town. The UOSS Center is located at the intersection of the
main east-west road and the western road.

 Track n' Field | EVENT #1: Malas Track n' Field Date:
Friday August 15th, 2008 (8pm ET)
Event Location: Luna South Gate (90o 42'N 22o 51'W [Malas]) Event Host: Lawrence Duff Sprinting across the countryside is something we do every day in Britannia. Be it running from murderers, trying to save yourself from death by a monster or simply running home to mother, Running is a part of every Britannian. Rules: - Footrace from Luna to Umbra
- Racers will be told to "GO" and begin their run to Umbra
- Referee will ride alongside racers to prevent cheating
- Other referee will be recalling to spots along the course to prevent cheating
- The course takes you south of Luna, through the mountain pass and then southeast to Umbra
- Finish Line on bridge to Umbra (see map below)
 Luna South Gate (90o 42'N 22o 51'W [Malas]) | How to get to the Event:
This event begins at the Luna South Gate in Malas.
It's located at 90o 42'N 22o 51'W by sextant and can be easily reached by running from the Luna moongate.
Alternatively, there are runes to this and every other event at the Olympic Hall in Zento (Stratics Center)!
Map of Course:

Playing | EVENT #2: Dart Playing Date: Friday
August 15th 2008 (9pm ET)
Event Location: UOSS Stratics Center, Zento Event Host: Lawrence Duff Test your accuracy at attacking a dart board from two paces. Rules: - Three throws each per round, per person
- Rounds of darts with 2-3 people with lowest score eliminated at the end of each round
- Rounds until there are 2 people left: winner gets Gold
- Bring your own dagger or use one of ours!

The New UOSS Stratics & Olympics Center (Makoto-jima,
Tokuno Islands) |
How to get to the Event:
The new UOSS Chesapeake Stratics Center can be found on the
west side of Zento (Makoto-Jima). The easiest way to get to the Center is
by running from the Makoto-jima Moongate, west along the main city path, past
the bank and to the farthest west road in town. The UOSS Center is located
at the intersection of the main east-west road and the western road. |
Fighting | EVENT #3: Daemon Fighting Date:
Saturday August 16th, 2008 (8pm ET)
Event Location: Luna Bagball Stadium (86o 44'N 26o 55'W [Malas]) Event Host: Lawrence Duff Daemon fighting was a popular pastime for mages back in the day. This event highlights who has the strongest Daemon! Rules: - Participants in this event MUST be willing to join the [Olym] guild as this is an event held in a Trammel Ruleset and is necessary to compete against one-another
- Double elimination tournament, mages will summon daemons and will have their daemons fight against each other after a wall drops
- No healing your summons, they fight, then die
- Wear whatever jewelry and items you want
- Winner wins Gold, loser wins Silver, winner of the losers bracket wins Bronze
 Luna Bagball Stadium
(86o 44'N 26o 55'W [Malas]) |
How to get to the Event:
This event will take place only a few steps from Luna, at the Bagball Stadium. You can find it easily by taking the Luna gate, then heading over to 86o 44'N 26o 55'W [Malas] by sextant.
Alternatively, there are runes to this and every other event at the Olympic Hall in Zento (Stratics Center)! |
Quiz Show | EVENT #4: Knowledge Quiz Show Date:
Saturday August 16th, 2008 (9pm ET)
Event Location: The Mystical Lute in Minoc (93o 57'N 77o 58'E [Trammel]) Event Host: Terence Duff Show your knowledge of Chesapeake History at this one of a kind event based on Chesapeake's past! Rules: - This game is playable by 10 people only, first come, first get to play
- Each team will have 2 players working as a pair
- Will follow a Quiz Show format, you will need to yell out the answer if you know it. There is no 'buzzing in'
- First to correctly answer a question wins that point
- Questions will be about Chesapeake Shard History and Lore
- After 20 questions, the 2 teams with the most points will advance to the final round of 5 questions
 Mystical Lute in Minoc
(93o 57'N 77o 58'E [Trammel]) |
How to get to the Event:
This event takes place in Minoc Trammel at the Mystical Lute bard's guild. To get there head to Minoc then run over to 93o 57'N 77o 58'E [Trammel]!
Alternatively, there are runes to this and every other event at the Olympic Hall in Zento (Stratics Center)! |
 Begging | EVENT #5: Begging Date:
Sunday August 17th, 2008 (8pm ET)
Event Location: Skara Brae Town Hall (51o 24'S 52o 31'W [Trammel]) Event Host: Lawrence Duff Beg your way to a Gold Medal. Revive that beggar character that you haven't been on in years! Rules: - Each participant in this contest will be asked to beg from 4 hirlings
- Recommended to have GM Begging
- The amount of gold received from each hirling will be added up as a "Point Total" for each participant
- Several rounds will be run, the player with the lowest "Point Total" after each round will be eliminated until there is a final round between 2 players
- The winner wins Gold, the runner up wins Silver and the person eliminated before the final round wins Bronze
 Skara Brae Town Hall (51o 24'S 52o 31'W [Trammel]) |
How to get to the Event:
This event is located in Skara Brae at the Town Hall (Mayor's House) near the Southwest Corner of town at 51o 24'S 52o 31'W [Trammel]
Alternatively, there are runes to this and every other event at the Olympic Hall in Zento (Stratics Center)! |
 Yacht Race | EVENT #6: Yacht Race Date:
Sunday August 17th, 2008 (9pm ET)
Event Location: Moonglow Telescope (44o 49'N 121o 35'W [Trammel]) Event Host: Lawrence Duff Arr ye old Sailors! Come out to the Moonglow Telescope for a one of a kind Sailboat Race based on the Red Wolf Cafe's "Moonglow Tour" course. Rules: - Course will be similar to the Moonglow Tour course by the Red Wolf Cafe, counter-clockwise around Verity Island (see map)
- The Telescope will be the Start/Finish line
- Each race will begin with "GO" and racers will put their ships in the water and begin sailing immediately
- **No Ships in the Water Beforehand**
- Racers will do a complete circle around Moonglow Island, then dock and drydock their boats
- First to drydock their boat and be back on shore wins the race!
 Moonglow Telescope (44o 49'N 121o 35'W [Trammel]) |
How to get to the Event:
This event begins at the Moonglow Telescope on Verity Island at 44o 49'N 121o 35'W [Trammel].
Alternatively, there are runes to this and every other event at the Olympic Hall in Zento (Stratics Center)!
Map of Course:

Week 2:
Racing | EVENT #7: Horse Racing Date:
Friday August 22nd, 2008 (8pm ET)
Event Location: Ironwood Inn in Vesper (56o 57'N 101o 40'E [Trammel]) Event Host: Lawrence Duff Strap on the saddle and tell your horse "hiiiyah!". This Horse Race will determine the Horse Racing Champion of Britannia. Rules: - Be sure to bring a mount with high stamina (i.e. cu-sidhe, nightmare, ridgeback) and food to keep it refreshed. Normal horses will likely run out of steam halfway through the course
- Ethereal mounts are not allowed
- Racers will line up on the start line then be told to "GO" and ride the course on the map supplied
- Race is from Vesper to the Red Wolf Cafe in Gyldenfeld (see map)
- You MUST stay on the dirt path at ALL TIMES
- The referee will be recalling to 'questionable spots' to be sure that no one is leaving the path and cutting through the woods. Those found cheating will be disqualified and will run the risk of losing any other medals they might have won
- The top 3 to cross the line will win Gold, Silver and Bronze
 Vesper Ironwood Inn (56o 57'N 101o 40'E [Trammel]) |
How to get to the Event:
The event begins at the Ironwood Inn on the Vesper mainland, located by coordinates at 56o 57'N 101o 40'E [Trammel].
Alternatively, there are runes to this and every other event at the Olympic Hall in Zento (Stratics Center)!
Map of Course:

Fighting | EVENT #8: Pet Fighting Date:
Friday August 22nd, 2008 (9pm ET)
Event Location: Luna Bagball Stadium (86o 44'N 26o 55'W [Malas]) Event Host: Lawrence Duff Been working your mare for years and never really seen any result? Well come on out to the Pet Fighting event and have your nightmare duel another nightmare! Rules: - Participants in this event MUST be willing to join the [Olym] guild as this is an event held in a Trammel Ruleset and is necessary to have pets compete against one-another
- This is a Nightmare vs Nightmare contest. Bring your 7xGM mare!
- No healing Mares, they fight, then die, so be sure your mount is bonded
- Double elimination tournament
 Luna Bagball Stadium
(86o 44'N 26o 55'W [Malas]) |
How to get to the Event:
This event will take place only a few steps from Luna, at the Bagball Stadium. You can find it easily by taking the Luna gate, then heading over to 86o 44'N 26o 55'W [Malas] by sextant. Alternatively, there are runes to this and every other event at the Olympic Hall in Zento (Stratics Center)! |

Archery |
EVENT #9: Archery Date:
Saturday August 23rd 2008 (8pm ET)
Event Location: UOSS Stratics
Center, Makoto-jima (Zento) Event Host: Lawrence Duff
Aim your bow at the butte and test your eye to bowstring coordination. Rules: - Contestants, one by one, take 5 shots at the buttes and their points are added together as a Point Total for the round
- Those with the top points advance to the next round and so on until there are two competitors left

The New UOSS Stratics &
Olympics Center (Makoto-jima, Tokuno Islands) |
How to get to the Event:
The new UOSS Chesapeake Stratics Center can be found on the
west side of Zento (Makoto-jima). The easiest way to get to the Center is by
running from the Makoto-jima Moongate, west along the main city path, past the
bank and to the farthest west road in town. The UOSS Center is located at the
intersection of the main east-west road and the western road. |

Joust | EVENT #10: Joust Date:
Saturday August 23rd 2008 (9pm ET)
Event Location: Luna Bagball Stadium (86o 44'N 26o 55'W [Malas]) Event Host: Lawrence Duff
Ever been in a Jousting Event in Britannia? There have been very few since Lances were added with AoS. But there's no experience necessary, bring everything you need including HCI jewelry and we'll supply you with a UBWS lance. Rules: - Participants in this event MUST be willing to join the [Olym] guild as this is an event held in a Trammel Ruleset and is necessary to compete against one-another
- Event will be a standard Double Elimination tournament
- UBWS lances will be provided
- The object of the game is to dismount your opponent using the Dismount Special Ability, best out of 3 tries
- Person with 2/3 dismounts per match moves onto the next round
- 2-hour event
- UWBS lances must be returned to the referee after each fight
- Normal lances will be provided to those with Fencing Skill
 Luna Bagball Stadium
(86o 44'N 26o 55'W [Malas]) |
How to get to the Event:
This event will take place only a few steps from Luna, at the Bagball Stadium. You can find it easily by taking the Luna gate, then heading over to 86o 44'N 26o 55'W [Malas] by sextant.
Alternatively, there are runes to this and every other event at the Olympic Hall in Zento (Stratics Center)! |
Date: Sunday August 24th, 2008 (8pm ET)
Event Location: UOSS Stratics Center, Makoto-jima (Zento)
How to get to the event:
The new UOSS Chesapeake Stratics Center can be found
on the west side of Zento (Makoto-jima). The easiest way to get to the
Center is by running from the Makoto-jima Moongate, west along the main
city path, past the bank and to the farthest west road in town. The
UOSS Center is located at the intersection of the main east-west road
and the western road.
