Coordinates:81°N 37°W
I contacted the Dragon Clan asking if they would
like an updated review of their tavern, and received
a reply from Skarragon who kindly offered to meet
with me.
I met him at the tavern, and
he gave me a guided tour; the bar area has changed
a little since Stingers visit in Mar 2000, with
the history of the Dragon Clan written for public
viewing (I intend to return and read the english
version one day soon). One of the upstairs rooms
serves as a chapel, and I was told that a wedding
took place there a few weeks ago.
The main change of the area is that the Dragon
Tavern has become Dragon Town in the past 2
years. The Dragon Clan has acquired many of
the surrounding buildings, and the town includes
a Vendor Tower, a Motel, a Butcher, a Baker,
an Alchemist and several other buildings. |
We were joined by several members
of the Dragon Clan, returning from a hunt, and
I was served a bottle of wine, and had a talk
with the clan members including Shivan himself,
who told me that he doesn't tend the bar as
he used to, due to the lack of customers, but
he hopes that people may return someday. We
sat and reminisced about such things as the
Trinsic siege, and I was made to feel most welcome.
The Dragon Tavern has managed to stand the
test of time, and if you'd like to add to
the 16900 customers who have visited the tavern,
I would recommend a visit. |
Previously visited by Stinger - Mar 09, 2000
Several days before the announcement of the Grand
Opening of the Dragon Tavern in Dragon Town my friend
Frarc alerted me to the presence of the town and
tavern near Yew Moongate. I made plans to go several
times and was detained time and again. Finally,
reading of the Grand Opening in the news I determined
to go and not be detained for any reason! I so often
visit sleepy establishments that I looked forward
with pleasure to visit one teeming with patrons
and companionship.
Impatiently I waited at Moonglow Moongate for it
to shift in the direction of Yew, knowing Frarc
waited patiently on other side. Finally I saw deep
forest wavering through the blue window of the gate
and stepped through. On the other side I found not
only my friend but a nice fellow of the Dragon Clan
to greet me and give me direction to the Tavern,
"Just follow the lanterns" he said and indeed there
they were to light the path. Only a short distance
to the Northeast we came up on the tables and lively
guests of the Tavern.
Shivan the tavernkeeper can be found daily in the
evenings. He is often accompanied by barmaids and
can frequently be found at other times of the day
as well.
Standing on the edge of the murmuring crowd we
simply looked on, somewhat taken aback but such
a large crowd and the furious pace of activity.
The Barmaid Riva approached and spoke in a language
Frarc identified as German. I was thankful he'd
come along and could translate for me. She invited
us to have a seat and handed us menus. After attempting
to ask her several questions with Frarc translating
she soon disappeared inside the towers depths and
returned with Shivan the tavernkeeper who bade us
follow him. He led us into the tower where the first
floor acts as the heart of the tavern with a bar,
gaming tables and the tavernkeeper dispenses ale
and food to the barmaids. He answered any questions
we had and handed me a menu written in English as
well. There I found listed such things as are normally
found in taverns along with a few unusual selections
such as a "Liquor of Magic". We enjoyed listening
to a fine bard play upon the harp and watched stunning
fireworks along with the other patrons. We greatly
enjoyed our visit and it was with regret that we
headed home at the end of the evening.