Welcome to the 11th SSS, First of 2008. This week we start off with a peak at
TGF in Luna.
Before we begin, You can take part in SSS (Super Stratics Saturday for short)
next week if you wish by telling us your establishment, emailing us any
screenshots or letting us know about any events etc! Our email address as always
is [email protected] , You can
also PM myself, Mapper.
I'm hoping to start to include whole guilds in the
establishments section, So if you have a guild and would
love to have a visit from me and a little chat, Feel free to
PM me.
In general if you have any news feel free to contact any
of our reporters, Myself, Callum or Kayne.
As a final note ignore the Saturday images, I haven't had
a chance to change them.

Today's Establishment is a big one! I actually first noticed
their big 'TGF' signs on the map. Its of course 'The Gold
Factory' in Luna. Containing a massive 79 vendors (on my
count today) and spread across 3 large buildings its one of
the largest shops!
With the building to the left containing vendors for
Resources and the two main buildings containing everything
else it is very easy to find what your looking for.

The Resources Plot

The Main Left Plot

The Main Right Plot

The first townhall will be on March the
1st in Jacksonville, FL. - Lets hope they hit Europe
this year!
Theres been a number of changes to the
winter test centre.
The Devs! The FoF said they should be
back in their offices next week.
You can read everything in full if you
haven't already by reading the FoF

Events next week,
- On Wednesday the 9th Jan we have the 184th edition of Leto's Europa Auction,
7pm UK Time, Gates provided at Britain Bank.
- Wednesday we have the 20th edition of Leto's new Europa Auction
Lottery, The draw is at 8:30pm UK Time at the auction house after the auction.
Tickets can be purchased from vendors around Britannia, One of which is at the auction house. So
buy one before the auction! You never know! Gates are provided for both auction
and lottery at Britain Bank.
for more details.

This corner of Luna is defiantly my favourite, I'm sure everyone's seen it
by now but I still find it funny.