Welcome to the 13th Super Stratics Sunday. Firstly apologies that we missed a couple of Sundays out. As you may have noticed this one isn�t being done by mapper instead it is being done by me. Mapper sends his apologies he is extremely busy at the moment. Im sure you guys wont mind a little while with me though. If you have an establishment, a guild, or a news item you would like featured in a Super Stratics Sunday or indeed any news items for an article please send it over to [email protected] or PM myself or Mapper.  This week I carried on with Mappers tour of Luna shops. First up following on from where Mapper stopped was Luna Mart, owned by tweedledee. Selling stone furniture, gems, LRC armor and Dragon barding deeds just to name a few. This one houses 20 vendors as of my count today. Up next was the 3 plots that are The Gold Factory. Just the one screenshot since these guys were featured alone in SSS a few weeks back. For the full rundown of this one click here Next was Et In Arcadia Ego situated just inside the south entrance to Luna a nice small shop selling recipes, repair deeds, resources and Powerscrolls plus more besides. Housing 17 vendors on my count today  Well that puts us over 100 vendors. Next week I will continue the tour round Luna.  - The latest Five on Friday is out. We have lots of info on bows and quivers so if you�re an archer it might be useful to you. For more info on that check it out Five on Friday
- Whispering Rose Radio has lots of events going on, though sadly none of them are on Europa.
 Events next week, - There is a boardie event to to Bedlam on SUNDAY 10th to visit the peerless that resides within.
- The Rusty Dagger Ale House is on TONIGHT. Its open every Sunday from 8pm to 9.30pm. Check out this thread for a map and more details
- The Europa Auction, 188th Edition is this WEDNESDAY, It starts at 7pm UK Time, Gates provided at Britain Bank. Full details at www.europa-auction.com .
- The Europa Auction Lottery is also this WEDNESDAY, Its at 8:30pm UK Time, Or after the auction, Tickets can be purchased from vendors around Britannia, One of which is in the auction house. Gates are provided for both auction and lottery at Britain Bank. Full details at www.europa-auction.com .
- As always, Swaggers Inn, The Trinsic Rose and The Kings Deer Tavern are all open in the evenings ALL WEEK!
 This weeks screenshot is from a boardie trip to labyrinth to battle Merkatus the Tormented. The event was a success and fun was had by all. Click here for more on that |