Welcome to the 15th Super Stratics
Sunday. Wow it sure has been busy since the last
episode. Events galore some player run and some not.
If you have an establishment, a guild, or a news
item you would like featured in a Super Stratics
Sunday, a silly story based on in-game events, an
idea for an article, or an event whether it takes
place in fel or in tram then please send it over to
[email protected] or PM me

Another trip round Luna this week to continue our
tour of all the shops based there.
First up this week is Danish Pride owned by Grant
Hill selling mainly resources.

Next up is Satans Hollow owned by Underlord. Selling
artefacts and weapons.
Finally this week we have �The Danish Vendor Team�
just next to the west exit. Owned by Hermione.
Selling mainly rares.

No Five on Friday this week, instead we were
treated to a message from Tim �Draconi� Cotten
and Cal Crowner Check those out
Cal Crowner
This week the residents of Europa took part in
an event organised by Paidric of HLP. The
Feluccan Trade Caravan. The evening was a huge
success. Check out the offical report
Also this week was the Europa Emporium [E-E]
Auction. Look out for details of when the next
one is.

Events next week,
I expect that the events in Moonglow will be
moving forward with some new surprises for us
all to face. So look out for any signs that
might indicate changes.
The Rusty Dagger Ale House is on TONIGHT.
Its open every Sunday from 8pm to 9.30pm.
As always, Swaggers Inn, The Trinsic Rose and
The Kings Deer Tavern are all open in the
evenings ALL

This weeks screenshot comes from the early stages of
the Magincia event when everyone was eagerly
awaiting new spawn at the moongate