Europa - Super Stratics Saturday!

Super Stratics Saturday! - 2nd Edition


Welcome to the 2nd Super Stratics Saturday! What a week! With the login servers playing up and Halloween fun out it was difficult to get round the establishments I wanted to!

In advance Ill apologize for the shortness and perhaps bad quality of this edition, XFactor is on tv *does the XFactor motion*. Bad excuse I know.

I did however manage to narrow down my list to one shop I like. We also as usual have screenshot of the week, News from last week and events next week!

As always remember you can take part in SSS (Super Stratics Saturday) by sending any material to [email protected] .

This weeks establishment is also one I know of as I live in Zento! Its Zento Home & Gardens. You can find it just south of Zento Moongate, Check the map to the right.

What was Yew Gate Home & Gardens, Zento Home & Gardens sells every type of furniture and addon for your house, Stoneware? No problem, They have that too! They also sell semi-rares, plants, potions, scrolls, magical jewellery, weapons and much much more!

If you have any queries you can contact shop owner by Stratics name 'Serafi'.

Below are screenshots of the shop, Found south of Zento Moongate.


  • Halloween items were announced, The trick 'a' treat system was turned back on offering the same items as last year, But with different colours! The Magincia battle with begin next week so I'm told and the final piece of Halloween goodness is pumpkins! Pumpkins can be found at most fields around the towns, When picked up they will display your name. Rumor has it there is a chance of them turning black, I have yet to see one though.

  • GRD (The Guardsmen Militia) held their 9th anniversary celebrations, Even with the login issues! I hope everyone who went had a fantastic time.

Events next week,

  • On Wednesday the 20th Oct we have the 174th edition of Leto's Europa Auction, 7pm UK Time, Gates provided at Britain Bank. This event was cancelled last week due to the login issues, So next week its still the 174th version.
  • Also on Wednesday we have the 10th edition of Leto's new Europa Auction Lottery, The draw is at 8:30pm UK Time at the auction house after the auction. Tickets can be purchased from vendors, One of which is at the auction house. So buy one before the auction! You never know! Gates are provided for both auction and lottery at Britain Bank. Again this was cancelled so it is still the 10th auction next week.

    Checkout for more details.

And now for the final piece of today's episode. Screenshot Saturday. If you want to have your screenshots here next week email them to [email protected] !

Pumpkins Pumpkins Pumpkins!

Thanks for reading another short but eventful episode, Join us next week for another episode of SSS!