Welcome to the 3rd Super Stratics Saturday!
A bit early with the decorations perhaps! But if UO is going
Halloween.. So is SSS! This week we have two interviews in
our jammed pack Pre-Halloween special.
I visited Barian's
Mall on the Tuesday and Leto's Auction on the Wednesday,
Read both of their short interviews below. I also managed to
get round to finding some interesting screenshots for this
weeks Screenshot Saturday.
As always you can take part in SSS (Super
Stratics Saturday) by sending any material to
[email protected]
. And please do! However small or unimportant you feel it
is, I wont! I'd love anything!

This weeks SHOP OF THE WEEK is an
oldie, What makes it stand out is the fact it has remained unchanged even with the
new custom houses back with Age of Shadows, Its BARIAN'S MALL in Yewdale,
Trammel. Found at 56o42'N 24o2'W Trammel - Check the map to the right.
It's basic setup of well stocked vendors is
extremely easy to navigate. Information on what vendors sell can be found at
their website,
With 20+ vendors selling a range of items
from Minor Artifacts, Jewels, Legendary Crafted Weapons to Potions, Scribed
Goods, Furniture, House Add-ons and much much more!
Below are two screenshots, I chose to do both
2d and KR this time after switching between them the previous two articles.

A view from classic 2d.

A view in the new Kingdom Reborn client.
At the end I was able to ask him a few questions, Here's what
he had to say.
Q: First of all, How long has
Barian's Mall
been open?
Barian: I think we opened the Mall in early 2003, but I've had vendors (and shops) in
various locations ever since vendors came in.
Q: What did you first start to sell? How many vendors were on the plot?
Barian: First thing I ever sold was amour. I used to run a Smith repair service in the Minoc Smithy. The queues were huge. I met Nilrem & Lucy of Kenton back then
The Mall had 6 or 7 vendors when it started I think.
Q: Why did you choose against changing to a custom house plot when AoS came
Barian: We like the Large Marble shop, and changing would be far too much work, moving
all those vendors. Basically Terry Fyde won't let us !!
It's also become a tradition now I think. It's a good feeling when people come
back to UO after years away and find Barian's still there. They always say they
are pleasantly surprised
Q: Do you still enjoy running such an old shop?
Barian: Yes I do. Still meet people there too. It's a great feeling when someone you
don't know compliments you on the shop.
Q: What are your feelings on KR and UO right now in general, Still loving UO
as much as you did back at the start?
Barian: KR : I'll wait till it's finished before I touch it
UO : Yes I still love the game. I wish they would finish some of the systems
Virtues, plants, BoDs. Crafting has been nerfed for so long now.
Q: Finally, Has any customer asked for something real crazy? And if so, What
was that?
Barian: Many many times......craziest I can think of was for 2000 full potion kegs
We turned that one down
This weeks Establishment of the Week is also quite
old, With 175 auctions under its belt its certainly been around! Its Europa
Auction! Started out as a simple auction it now has Lotteries, Races across
Britannia and many more interesting events. Below are a few screenshots of one
of these events.

I managed to ask Leto, The owner of Europa Auction
a few questions, I thank him for his time.
Q: How long has the auction been running? Its
nearing its 175th auction, But when did you first think up the idea?
Leto: 175 Auctions, that's about 3.5 years. It wasn't me who came up with the
idea though, wasn't even anybody currently on the team for that matter!
Europa Auction was founded by Alcestis who ran that first few auctions with
Bendalino. I joined sometime around the 20th auction and was the auctioneer from
around the 25th till the 75th auction. After the 75th auction Alcestis left and
I became the guildmaster. Amantala took over my job as auctioneer.
Q: I remember a while back your shop Two's
Company, Have you ever thought about another large shop like that?
Leto: I can't say the thought of re-opening never crossed my mind but I don't have any
solid plans right now. I do run a couple of vendors at Amantala's shop though.
The shop is called 'Three's a Crowd' and is located directly behind the 2nd
house from Umbra's West Entrance.
Q: What would you say is the oddest item you
have had auctioned off?
Leto: The oddest item? Now that's a hard question!
Amantala tried to auction me off a few times! How
odd that is depends on your opinion of me I guess ;-)
I don't think we auction a lot of odd items.
Sometimes we do get offered strange lots though. Like a set of 100 perched
parrots. Makes me wonder what the guys house looked and, more importantly,
sounded like before... We declined that lot though.
The most expensive item we ever auctioned was an
Obsidian Qualifier sash, for 100 million!
Q: What is the most enjoyable part about running an
auction, And what is the worst?
The best part has to be the people. A lot of
different people attend the auctions, from roleplayers to PvPers to merchants.
It's great to be able to play with so many different people. Sometimes we have
to force them but most of the time they get along just fine :-)
The worst part is the people as well... Though, I
must say it's been a while since we've had any serious grievers. There's always
the small incidents but usually a short run (remove thyself!) shows them the
error of their ways ;-)
If your interested in going to any auctions in the future,
They are held every Wednesday at 7pm UK Time, Gates are always provided
at Britain Bank before the auction.

Apart from EA moving from
CA to VA, Which we've all had enough talk about! There isn't
very much news at all this week.
The Magincia event
will start early next week according to the Five of
Trinsic had their
Autumn Festival yesterday evening, I hope everyone who
turned up had a fantastic time.

Events next week,
- On Wednesday the
31st Oct we have a Spooky 175th edition of Leto's Europa Auction,
7pm UK Time, Gates provided at Britain Bank.
Being Halloween, Be prepared for some extra events.
(Details will be posted later this week so edit it later
- Also on Wednesday we have the 11th edition of Leto's new Europa Auction
Lottery, The draw is at 8:30pm UK Time at the auction house after the
auction. Tickets can be purchased from vendors, One of
which is at the auction house. So buy one before the
auction! You never know! Gates are provided for both
auction and lottery at Britain Bank.
for more details.

And now for the final piece of today's episode. Screenshot Saturday. If you
want to have your screenshots here next week email them to
[email protected] !

Not only do Europa Auction run.. auctions, They
run events such as these.
Thanks for reading this weeks spooky
Pre-Halloween special. Join us next week for the last Post-Halloween Special SSS.