Welcome to the 5th! Yes 5th episode of
Super Stratics Saturday. A few small changes ahead of us,
The establishments and shops are being merged back into one!
That's right, Only one shop or an establishment a week! Why?
Well, We'd run out too quickly otherwise!
The 8th SSS is where the action will be
this year! Starting 1st of December we'll have lots of fun
to share with out 5 Christmas specials, Don't forgot us
Now onto the normal features, I visited
Shop AE this week.
Also, Screenshot Saturday with an update
to the Magincia Battle,
This weeks establishment is one I thought had vanished but I recently found
it had moved to Zento! The shop can be found by checking the map right. If you
cant really view the map you'll find it on the outside road of the town in the
north east corner. Its the marble and wood building.
Selling semi-rares, rares, tokuno rares, plants, resources, repair deeds,
power scrolls and MUCH MUCH more! They basically sell everything you could possibly

A Kingdom Reborn screenshot of the Shop.

- The Magincia Spawn was updated this
week, The main updates being the removal of the guard
zone and a banker and healer located at the docks. All
the updates can be found
- Leto ran the 16th Bovine Madness
after the auction last Wednesday (The 7th). Remember
this is the first Wednesday of every month.

Events next week,
- On Wednesday the 7th Nov we have the 177th edition of Leto's Europa Auction,
7pm UK Time, Gates provided at Britain Bank.
- Also on Wednesday we have the 13th edition of Leto's new Europa Auction
Lottery, The draw is at 8:30pm UK Time at the auction house after the auction.
Tickets can be purchased from vendors, One of which is at the auction house. So
buy one before the auction! You never know! Gates are provided for both auction
and lottery at Britain Bank.
Checkout www.europa-auction.com
for more details.

And now its Screenshot Saturday! If you
want to have your screenshots here next week email them to
[email protected] !

New Magincia Defenses

New Magincia Defenses

Even the plants are suffering.

A little bit of action going on in
the town! Don't worry! I'm still alive!... Just.
Thanks for reading another episode of SSS, Join us for the 6th SSS
next week!