Player Interviews
Great Lakes - VIP Interviews - GM Platinum

Lady Lava's Questionnaire

It is my honor and pleasure to have the one and only Platinum as my guest today.

Your first exposure to UO years ago was watching friends play the game. Do these friends still play UO or other online games?

Some of these friends do still play UO and others are not playing any games at all right now.

After playing UO for awhile you moved onto the counselor program, then senior game master. I have seen the title " Player relations " after your name. What actually is your title and role these days? My current title is Customer Support Manager. My team is currently responsible for supporting UO, TSO, Club Pogo, EASO and EA Games titles. Each game is different and it is my responsibility to determine the best way to provide support for each of them.

In the past you have attended UO Meet Ups. I attended the first UO Town Hall Meeting in LA a few months ago and was disappointed not to find you there. Will you be attending any of the Town Hall Meetings in the future?
I have had a lot of fun at the UO Meet Ups and definitely look forward to the opportunity to attend more in the future. I am not sure when I will be able to attend more of them but I will jump at the chance if the opportunity presents itself.

What type of character do/did you most like playing?
I think I have at least one of every character on the several accounts that I have. Call me crazy but my favorite character to play was always my fisherman. Lately however my favorite one has to be my bard.

Which relic do you most like from the Treasures of Tokuno and why? Oddly enough my favorites are the ones that I can use to decorate my house. For instance, the Honorable Sword stands and the Chest of Heirlooms very much appeal to me. The others are awesome to have and play with but my favorites are always the new items I can decorate with.

When you first started playing UO what shard did you play on?
The very first shard that I played on was Pacific. I was living on the West Coast at the time so it seemed like the best place to start.

What is your favorite color in the realm?
My favorite color in the realm has to be the ice white color.

What is your favorite color in real life?
My favorite color in real life is purple. The darker the purple the more I like it.

Who is your favorite hero in fiction?
Honestly I don't know that I have a favorite hero in fiction.

Who is your favorite hero in real life?
My favorite hero in real life has to be my mother. She is a very caring but strong individual. She has been through a lot in her life and always comes through on top. I definitely look up to her and I admire her a lot.

What was the last book you read?
It is very unfortunate but lately I don't seem to make the time to read as much. I don't remember the last book that I read. I am always a big fan of John Grisham books though.

What was the last movie you saw?
The last movie that I saw was The Forgotten which I really liked a whole lot. There was one particular scene in that movie that just blew me away. I don't want to ruin it for others that have not seen it though.

If you were stranded on an island and could only have one CD to listen to which would it be?
It would have to be Shania Twain. She is one of my favorites and I love to listen to her.

If you could travel anywhere in the world on an all paid holiday where would it be?
Without a doubt it would be some tropical island with my awesome husband. It would be one with warm sun and beautiful beaches. Of course, anywhere would be a great holiday as long as my hubby is with me.

What is your motto?
My motto is really very simple. I try my best to treat everyone with the same respect that I would like to be treated with.

Your home state is Texas. As a Texas gal what is the thing you like the most and dislike the most about Texas?
I love Texas. I am a Texan and very proud of it. I am enjoying my time here in California but Texas will always be home for me no matter where I am. I love the people, thunderstorms, Mexican food, BBQ, cowboy boots, pickup trucks, fiesta, the Riverwalk, and the San Antonio Spurs (GO Spurs!). Honestly the only thing that I do not miss is the extreme heat.

Platinum, thank you so much for taking the time from your busy life to be my guest. I am sure all our readers appreciate it.