Player Interviews
Great Lakes - Player Interviews - High Priestess

April 18, 2004
You have been uniting couples for many years and on most shards. Estimate how many couples you have married as High Priestess?
I can't even begin to count.
Have you been married in game? If so to whom and how many times?
Yes, first I married a guy named Goliath but he went off to play another game. The divorce settlement was his account name and password, I made out well. Then I married Garwyn Loftwick, but he also left the game and once again a nice divorce settlement. I was engaged a third time, but we never got married.
Are you married in real life?
Well, I am engaged right now to the love of my life Xoren Thayne ( his real name is Kenny ). We met almost four years ago at the West Brit Bank on Legends. We are going to plan an ingame wedding one day. Our real life wedding will be June of 2005.
I have been to several weddings that you have performed on GL including the union of Mona Barrington and Giorgio Armani. What lucky couple will you help tie the knot next?
Lord Ryver and Lady Saphyre
My understanding is that Ryver is once divorced and from a rather bohemian background. Saphyre is of the Jewish faith. How will you incorporate her faith in the ceremony?
The breaking of the glass at the end of a wedding ceremony serves to remind of two very important aspects of a marriage. The bride and groom and -everyone- should consider these marriage vows as an IRREVOCABLE ACT, just as permanent and final as the breaking of this glass is unchangeable. But the breaking of the glass also is a warning of the FRAILTY of a marriage. That sometimes a single thoughtless act, breech of trust, or infidelity can damage a marriage in ways that are very difficult to undo - just as it would be so difficult to undo the breaking of this glass. Knowing that this marriage is permanent, the bride and groom should strive to show each other love and respect befitting their spouse and love of their life. Needless to say a glass will be broken during their ceremony.
Who are your heros in real life?
My friends and family. They teach me the greatest things in life.
What is it that you most dislike in game?
The way people are more concerned to heal themselves then heal their friends. We all know it takes less time to heal your friends!
What is your favorite color?
I actually have two, dark blue and dark green.
What is your greatest fear?
Burning in a fire.
What do you consider your greatest achievement in game?
That I am still playing after 6 years.
Name the last movie you saw.
The Passion
Name the last book you read.
Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution ( I lost 30 pounds! )
What do you admire most in your friends besides being cross healed?
Heheheheheheeh..There is nothing more important then cross healing - both physically and emotionally in both real life and game life.
Thank you for your time and best wishes for your upcoming in game weddings and your future real life wedding to that cute guy, Kenny.