Player Interviews
Great Lakes - Player Interviews - Queen Hippolyte

Lady Lava's Questionnaire

Since the beginning of the new calendar I have held back on publishing the number of Questionnaires because there has been so much activity on our shard. This one could not wait as the Queen herself has graced us with residency in our lands.

First I would like to welcome you to Great Lakes. How long have you been playing UO?

I have been Playing UO for nearly two years, in April it will be official.

How long have you been on Great Lakes and why did you come to our fair land?
I started on Great Lakes about three weeks ago. I came to Great Lakes looking for something different. I wanted to experience something new and Great Lakes seemed like a decent place.

Compared to some other shards Great Lakes has a decent RP community. What percentage of the time do you RP while in the realm?
I am very new to RPing so I'm still getting the hang of it, I try to be in character as much as possible. I would say I tend to role play mostly when I am interacting with others. However I think I play it down some when at the bank or trying to sell things.

Many players claim that the GL boards are just for PvPers to rant, rave and gloat. You posted for help in getting your new house on your new shard together. It appears you had success with the boards. Briefly give us your views on that experience.
It was fabulous. I don't think I've ever been greeted so nicely on the Stratics boards. I was actually taken by surprise to see so many people offer help.

You claim you are a " rune hoarder ". Please explain that and why you think you are.
*Laughs* Well on most of my characters I have over 10 rune books, which all but three are for Vendors. I love shopping and visiting shops, I also love to see different house styles or Mall styles. I'll pick up any rune, including Fel.

Hippolyte was / is a queen of the Amazons. Rumor has is you were killed by Hercules. Another rumor was that you were conquered and married to Theseus. Please set the record straight...are either of these rumors fact?
As far as I know, Hercules was made insane by Hera, and killed his wife and children. When he awoke he prayed for guidance to Apollo and was told he would have to serve Eurystheus for 12 years. During these years he was given certain tasks, most of which were killing beast, the 9th task was to take Hippolytes Golden Belt which Eurystheus wanted for a gift to his daughter.It was given to Hippolyte by Ares because she was the best warrior of the Amazons.
When Hercules arrived at The Hall of Amazons Hippolyte offered him the Belt freely, however Hera was upset at this and disguised herself as a fellow Amazon and whispered to the others that Hercules was going to carry off thier Queen, in retaliation the Amazons doned thier armor and went to the boats which Hercules came on. Hercules seeing this, Killed the Queen Hippolyte and took the golden Belt.

From your thread on the GL boards it appears you are trying to get a guild together. Will this be a guild of all Amazons?
The Guild is Amazon based and Role Playing. Based on Amazons according to how they ruled, lived and fought. The roles are somewhat reversed, The guild is lead by two Female characters. Male characters are allowed in as crafters. Since we are a role playing guild Real life gender doesnt play a part, Meaning that a man can play a female character and play the part of an amazon woman.
I still have a lot of work to do in this area, I havent role played much before and I havent run a guild before. So a lot of new and exciting challenges for Me.

Has it been hard with your large Amazonian size to find clothing?
*Laughs* There is a common misconception that Amazons are all large women. We come in all difference sizes like all women. Luckily for us we have Acolyte. He is our lovely Tailor/Smith/Crafter. At this time He solely supplies us with the things we need.

In a few weeks there will be a grand yearly event on Great Lakes called " The Gathering of the Guilds". This event is a place for GMs of guilds and guild members to recruit new members and make others aware of their guild. Will you be present for this event?
I have seen this event advertised and it indeed piqued my interest. I'm afraid to admit that I am quite Shy. However I am thinking I would like to make an appearance at this event. I support the Great lakes community and seeing as how it is a community event I think it would be fun and educational. *smile*

What is your favorite color?
I would have to say I tend to favor hues of Green and Blue.

What one item do you own in the realm that is dearest to you?
Its something I dont own, but rather earned. Friendship. That is the spice, that is the warm feelings, that is the comfort that helps us all get through life.

What do you admire most in a friend?

Who is your favorite hero in fiction?
I would have to say Morganna from the Book 'The Mists of Avalon'. She was a strong and capable and independant woman.

What do you like the most about Great Lakes so far?
The diversity. I like many different things on many different levels.

What is your motto?
Not sure if its a Motto exactly, But something I like to remind myself of:
"Dont let people 'should' on you."

Thank you your Highness for taking time to chat with me. *bows*
The pleasure has been all mine.