Player Interviews
Great Lakes - Staff Interviews - Jhariden

Over the past few years I have had many guests on Lady Lava's Questionnaire. Sporadically Stratics staff members have been guests. At this time I have approached many staff members to be guests in an attempt for the readers to, " get to know the people behind Stratics " . Last week the wonderful Joshua Rowan was my guest and today I am delighted to present Jhariden.~

The very first email I received as a News Reporter was from you welcoming me into the team. That was years ago. How long have you been associated with Stratics?

Time sure flies! I came on board with Stratics in early/mid 1999 if I recall correctly, so nearly seven and a half years now.

I have seen two titles after your name, Network Administrator and Network Director. What is your title and describe briefly what that entails.
I have enjoyed several titles since joining Stratics. I inherited the Network Administrator title when I began working with our web servers more directly. Network Director came along later and the role has even evolved since the beginning however it basically entails my overseeing all of the day-to-day operations of the company.

Your name pops up often from interviews concerning Dark Age of Camelot to Lineage, Sims Online......everywhere. What was the first computer game you ever played?
I�d have to say that one of the first games I ever played was the Temple of Apshai by EPYX. This was back in 1979 on a Commodore PET ad the storage media was a cassette tape. I�m showing my age, eh? ;) I then evolved to an Apple II + and that was it, I was addicted and in gaming heaven back then.

My first MMO by the way was Gemstone II on Genie and this was before the internet was all that. It was a text-based MMORPG by Simutronics (the current developer for Hero�s Journey). Thanks goodness for the internet, back then accessing Genie was $3.95 an hour and that was cheap then!

What computer game are you personally most excited about at this time in history?
Right now I�d have to say TES: Oblivion. The darn game keeps locking up my computer, but I save OFTEN! There are many titles I am excited about and look forward to playing, but this one has grabbed my attention for the time being. I�ve played the entire TES series since Arena.

My understanding is that in the recent past a new layer of directors was created and they report to you. Has this worked out as well as you planned?
The network now has a Director who manages his/her own specific area of the network. These include Technology, Staff, Content and Marketing. This has worked out very well for the most part and while there is always room for improvement we have made a lot of positive progress.

You are quickly approaching the 10k post mark. What area on Stratics would you say the majority of these thousands of posts are?
That is a tough one, but I would have to say that in the time I have been with Stratics the majority of my posts likely appeared in the EverQuest Forums. Before becoming the Network Director I was very active in EQ. So I spent a lot of time in our forums as well.

Rumor has it you are a Raiders fan. Is this true and if so how big of a fan?
Rumor? Let�s set the record straight! :) I am a HUGE Raiders fan and have been since I was a kid. I grew up in the Oakland area so I am a true Raider and Athletics fan. I�ve likely eaten more hot dogs and chocolate Malts (I was too young to drink beer!) at the Oakland Coliseum than anywhere else.

If you could have dinner with any person deceased or living whom would it be and why?
My Grandmother, she passed when I was too young to remember her.

What is your favorite color?

The online community has quickly become an entity of its own. With Ebay and other avenues there is a "realness" to our realms. Do you think there will come a time when governments or the masses will control the regulations for online games?
Honestly, I highly doubt there will ever be any form of Government intervention in how MMO�s are regulated unless of course some law is broken and they are forced to become involved. As for the masses, with enough feedback and action by any given community it can possibly have some impact on a game, but I do not see this as a form of control.

What do you admire most in a woman?

What do you admire most in a man?

What is your favorite journey?
Enjoying life to its fullest.

What is your all time favorite movie?
The original Terminator, released in 1984.

When and where were you the happiest?
I am happiest when I am with my family and friends, the location really is not as important to me.

What is your motto?
Fear is thy worst enemy!