Last visited by Zerver - Mar 2 99
The Cathedral of Fire is a player run Castle. It is run by the Avatars of the Fire.
And headed by Archbishop Dragon Barastl. It is located North of
Trinsic, about a 5 to 7 minute walk. Stop by the shrine of Spirituality on your way,
climb the steps and say "Om Om Om" to reach mental balance.
The Cathedral is the most elaborate of Player Run buildings on Napa (at this time)
and is entirely player operated.
Dragon told me that they usually have someone there from 5pm until Midnight most
days. And often host special events on Fridays at 7pm (pacific times all).
The Cathedral has seperate areas for most of the crafts. They also have teleporters
to the 5 roofs of the towers.
I attended one of the Friday night events which was a huge monster spawn. It was a
great time, and thanks to the Avatars of Fire, one of which healed me at the last possible
second, I did not die even once. There was much madness and mayhem with a collector of
souls, a lord of the Abyss, and a dragon topping off the evening.
These guys sure know how to throw a bash. There is no pic, because I did not attend
as Zerver, and I'd rather keep my alter ego to myself.
Web site for Cathedral of Fire: