Fishing Skill Needed for Items
Item |
Skill |
Picture |
Fish |
0.1 |
![](fish.jpg) |
Footwear |
0.1 |
![](footwear.jpg) |
Prize Fish (+5 Int) |
0.1 |
![](prizefish.jpg) |
Wondrous Fish (+5 Dex) |
0.1 |
![](wondrous.jpg) |
Truly Rare Fish (+5 Str) |
0.1 |
![](trulyrare.jpg) |
Highly Peculiar Fish (refill 10 Stamina) |
0.1 |
![](HighlyPeculiar.jpg) |
Big Fish / Deep Water |
65 |
Empty Sea Serpents |
80 |
Special Fishing Nets |
80 |
Treasure Maps |
90 |
![](map.jpg) |
Messages in a Bottle/Waterstained SoS |
100 to find
65 to fish up |
![](msginabottle.jpg) ![](waterstainedSOS.jpg) |
The only things you can fish up from shore are fish, footwear,
and magic fish. The treasure maps and MiB's can only be pulled
up away from shore, which is I believe somewhere around 14
Guide to Becoming a Thriving Fisherman
By Fisher Minus of Baja
NOTE: Before I get started, I must encourage any serious
fisherman out there to download the map program UOAutomap.
It is nearly essential when traveling the Oceans of Sosaria,
and more so if you plan on hunting treasure in its unknown
watery depths.
UOAM here
Introduction to Fishing:
Hail fellow treasure hunters!
My name is Fisher Minus, and I'll be your fishing guide today.
Let me first say that if you're thinking of creating a fisherman
to make some quick easy cash, think again. Fishing is quoted
by both Counselors and Game Masters to be the 2nd hardest
skill to raise in the game. It could take several months depending
on your dedication to reach the level of Grandmaster Fisherman.
Unless you're looking for a character to merely keep you stocked
with food. I believe fishing is by far the most under-estimated
skill in the game. Once you've reached the level of Grandmaster
the riches are beyond your wildest dreams. If you are strong
of will and dedication to become a Grandmaster Fisherman than
please read on as I pass on my knowledge to the next generation
of fisherman.
Character Creation:
For all of the skill types described below I suggest to making
your starting stats: 44 str / 11 int / 10 dex
Creating a good fisherman all lies in your intentions for
your fisherman. If you're going for the pure fisherman I suggest
starting out with 50 magery, 49 fishing, and 1 cartography.
I cannot stress the importance of magery to a serious fisherman
(by serious fisherman I mean one who owns a boat and is striving
toward that 100.00 in fishing). If you're killed while on
your boat, or kicked out during a lag spike, just use that
50 magery to recall off your master boat key in the bank,
and *poof*, you're right back on your boat. The 1 point in
cartography is so you get a newbie sextant, which will be
used almost as much as your fishing pole later on when your
hunting those SoS's.
If you want to create a fisherman just to keep you stocked
in food, start with 50 fishing and 50 cooking. The rest is
pretty self-explanatory: Use your fishing pole on any ocean
body of water to retrieve fish, then use your newbie dagger
on them to cut up fish steaks. Use the newbie dagger on any
type of tree to gather kindling, and double click the kindling
until you light a fire (this will depend on your camping skill).
Double click your raw fish steaks and target your freshly
lit fire. If you have 50 cooking then you should have no trouble
cooking up these fish. I still recommend starting with 50
magery instead of 50 cooking because cooking raises so quickly
compared to magery and at no cost.
If you're creating a fisherman/treasure hunter, which I recommend,
since they are by far one of the more fun classes in the game,
you should start with 50 magery, 49 Cartography, and 1 fishing.
Again the magery is so you can recall back to your boat if
you're booted out. 49 Cartography because it is the hardest
skill to raise for a treasure hunter, so you really want to
start off with as much as possible. With this, as I said previously,
you also get your newbie sextant, which is used in both treasure
map hunting and SoS hunting (see: How to Conduct a Treasure
Hunt section for more information on map hunting). Finally
that 1 final point in fishing is obviously so you get a newbie
fishing pole. Fishing, compared to magery and cartography,
is very easy to raise in the beginning stages, and considerably
less expensive.
Other skills to work on for these types of character are
Lockpicking, Item Identification, Mining, Detect hidden, Remove
Trap, Musicianship, Peacekeeping, and Provocation. Of these
secondary skills I suggest picking 3 to work toward GM on,
because of the skill cap. Also I would suggest working on
your primary skills until you're happy with their level, before
you start on these. I guarantee you will have much more satisfaction
getting the tough skills out of the way first, as most of
these skills develop fairly easily. (see: How
to Build a Pure Treasure Hunter section for help in these
Starting Out:
The city you choose to start out in depends on the type of
character you're working on. If your fisherman is just a food
mule I suggest starting out at a convenient city for your
fisherman to transfer the food and money he makes to your
other characters or friends. Also, I suggest picking a fairly
populated city such as Britain or Vesper, so you can always
find a customer to sell your fish steaks to if you need some
quick cash. Britain is great because it has every store you
need all centrally located around the bank and the ocean.
If your character is a treasure hunter or a pure fisherman
I suggest Moonglow, Jhelom, or Skara Brae. All of these towns
are located near great fishing spots (which I will explain
later). These towns also all have cartography and mage shops,
in case you need to work on those skills. Also, these towns
are less populated than Britain, for example, so if you walk
around their coasts fishing each spot until it's dry, not
many people will try and bug you, unlike the more populated
When you appear in the town of your choice for the first
time you have several options of what to do first. Bank all
the items you don't need. I say this because you want to have
as few items on your body as possible, so you can carry more
fish in your backpack without having to empty it or stop to
cook. Once you've emptied your pack and taken off your newbie
clothes, and banked them, find the nearest ocean body of water.
Equip that fishing pole and get to work. Make sure you find
a spot where someone isn't fishing already or isn't likely
to fish while you are there. I suggest walking around the
coastline, fishing each spot until the fish stop biting. I
suggest fishing from shore until you have around 60-70 fishing;
then if you're really serious about getting Grandmaster Fisherman
you MUST buy a boat. Maybe not right now but at some point
before 80 I plead with you, for your sanity's sake, BUY A
BOAT. Its a heck of a lot easier than fishing from shore and
you get better skill gain in deep ocean water. (Deep ocean
is any place 14 tiles "steps" away from land)
A great approach for any serious fisherman is to have one
of your other characters with more money buy your fisherman
a boat deed. Get that deed over to your fisherman character,
whether it be by aid of a trusted friend holding the deed
for you or by any other secure means possible. If you have
no way of getting a boat deed, try borrowing a boat from a
friend. If all else fails and you can't get a boat, don't
worry, keep fishing from shore until you have enough money
to buy a boat deed. Keep cooking up those fish steaks by way
of kindling if you want skill, or go to a bakery and use the
oven if you want to cook without skill gain. I suggest selling
cooked fish steaks for 1 gold piece per fish steak, or if
you really need to sell some quickly, sell 1 gold piece per
2 fish steaks. I sell 2 for 1 because I usually have bulk
fish and don't care about losing a few bucks for a quick sell.
Besides, fish are free *smile*. Also sell any footwear you
get, such as boots or sandals, to the Cobbler or Provisioner
for quick, though limited, cash.
Serious Fishing:
Once you have a boat deed, you can really start fishing seriously.
If you started on any of the island towns like I suggested
for the treasure hunter class, then you're that much closer
to the great fishing spots, which you MUST have a boat to
access. If you started in on of the other towns it's ok too,
either use the moongates to get to one of the island towns
I listed, or sail there in your shiny new boat *smile*. In
either case your destination is the server boundary line.
If you don't know what this is, this is where the east-most
points and west-most points wrap around and meet.
Also before you depart make sure and take your fishing pole,
sextant and some kindling from nearby trees. Place the kindling
inside the built in box on your boat or on the deck; this
way you don't need to go to land every time you need to cook
up some fish steaks. I suggest bringing around 20 pieces of
kindling. Get all your banking needs out of the way now, because
we won't be back here any time soon. Take everything you don't
need out of your backpack, as well as all your clothes again
so you weigh as little as possible. Once in your boat with
your fishing pole in hand and your sextant at your waist we
set sail. If you're departing from the town of Jhelom, Skara
Brae, Yew or any point on the Western coastline sail directly
West. If you're leaving from Moonglow, Nujel'm, Magincia,
or any of the Eastern island cities then you would sail directly
Before I go on with the directions, I must explain to those
who don't know how to use a sextant how to use one of the
most useful items in the game. If you already know skip to
the next paragraph.
Ready? When you double click the sextant you get a serious
of numbers and letters. These are degrees of longitude and
latitude. Here's an example coordinate and a point on the
line I fish regularly: 160o 58'S, 88o 10'W
The first two numbers (160o and 58'S) mean 160 degrees 58
minutes South. The second two numbers (88o 10'W) mean 880
degrees 10 minutes West.
Each of the above sets of degrees mean that your coordinates
are either North/South or East/West of Lord British's Castle,
located in Britain. His throne is 0o 0'N/S 0o 0'E/W.
Think of Degrees and Minutes as Feet and Inches. Every degree
contains a certain number of minutes. Below is a map marking
where each section is marked North/South/East/West.
With this map and the cloth/paper map you were given you
should be able to get the general area to which the coordinates
you're looking for or the coordinates you are at are located.
It might take a few days but you'll get the hang of it. I
suggest marking on your map at home where each of the North/South/East/West
boundaries are just as the map below is marked.
Here are the sextant coordinates for the server line: 92o
40'W. I recommend staying on the Jhelom and Skara Brae side
of the server line, the Western Hemisphere of Britannia. Also,
don't sail directly on the server line; it's better if you
move east a few tiles to the coords of around 88o 10'W longitude.
Once there turn your boat to the right so you're sailing parallel
to the server line. This is a beautiful spot, because as long
as you're sailing parallel to the server line you will never
hit land, and if you fish while your boat's moving along the
line you will never run out of fish. Also, you will never
get caught be a sea monster because your boat's moving and
it can't keep up with you.
It might take awhile to find a line of longitude near the
server that is free of parked boats.
You will find that many people park their boats around the
server line; make sure if you're going to macro that before
you start macroing, the line you're sailing on is free. If
it isn't, move to the left or right a few tiles and test that
line for a while manually. I suggest sailing around at least
once to make sure nothing's going to cause your boat to stop
while in mid-macro. You would then begin pulling up sea monsters,
which could easily prey on you while you sit in your motionless
boat away from your computer.
NOTE: Be careful, I don't recommend macro fishing because
it is so dangerous; yet with the current difficulty of fishing
there are few other methods. Also, some people like to stop
your boat on purpose while you're macroing and either call
a GM on you or kill you. If someone calls a GM, you could
lose your account. So be careful if you're going to macro.
Just be cautious and be aware of other people and your surroundings
if you're going to macro fishing.
With this magic fishing method you will be able to gain fishing
quicker than any other means. Just make sure to keep an eye
on your backpack. Make sure it's not getting too full, because
if it's at about 417 stones, then you won't gain any more
fishing skill because your pack can't hold any more fish.
So don't panic, just empty your backpack. Cut up all those
fish into steaks and stack them in a pile on your deck. Any
other items you get, such as boots or footwear, I suggest
putting into a pouch on your deck, then when you're done for
the day take that bag to a Cobbler or Provisioner and sell
those shoes for pretty good cash.
Once you hit about 90 fishing you will start to find level
one treasure maps when you fish. This is the second best item
you can find as a fisherman. If you started your character
as a Fisher/Treasure hunter then you're in luck; you just
found some new bounty. Decode that map and get to work on
finding that treasure. If you didn't, then sell those puppies
for anywhere from 500-2000 gold, depending on the shard and
With any luck and the information I've given you, you'll
be a Grandmaster Fisherman in no time.
See the following section once you reach GM fisherman. It
goes in depth on an SoS hunt.
You're GM already? Time for some SoS information:
Congratulations, you're a Grandmaster Fisherman now!
All who have come before you are pleased to see that our wisdom
has been passed onto the next generation. Ok, if you haven't
gotten any yet, the cream of the crop of all treasures lies
at the end of you fishing line: SoS bottles. If you don't
have one, guess what�time for more fishing!! It usually works
out to about 1 SoS every hour, if you fish for an hour nonstop.
It comes out to something like 250 casts.
Read the following once you get an SoS.
You got one already? Great!
These wonderful little bottles, when double clicked, release
a Message in a Bottle, aka MiB. When you read the MiB it gives
you a neat little message about someone's tragic mishap on
some deserted island or during sea travel. The gist of this
message is to say "We lost our stuff, if you find where we
lost it, you get it!" Nice deal if you ask me. Anyway, enclosed
in the message somewhere are coordinates just like the ones
from your sextant. Only these are coordinates you have to
go find instead of your current location, which is what the
sextant usually tells you.
You should have UOAutomap at this point, because finding
SoS coords is a pain in the ass if you do it the old fashion
way. If you haven't opened UOAutomap yet it will take a long
time for it to load the first time. Don't worry, that's just
the first time, after that it's considerably faster. Ok, so
you've got UOAM open. Go to the UO menu tab on the top of
the program. Then select the calibrate option. This basically
pinpoints your exact location in the world of UO. If you haven't
used this program before, take a few minutes to get used to
the zoom menu, and maybe find a friend with UOAM and use the
tracking feature in the linking options under the Link tab.
Also, don't scroll around the map using the sidebars once
you've calibrated, it will un-calibrate you as the center
of the map. Then you'll have to re-calibrate.
After you've gotten acquainted with UOAM go to the Places
tab, and click "go to location". This will bring up a menu
telling your X and Y coords. Click the button that says "Latitude/Longitude".
This will bring up another menu where you plug in each of
the coords given to you in the MiB. Make sure you plug everything
in exactly as listed in the MiB. Once you're done hit ok,
this will take you directly to the point where the SoS is
located on the map. Now go immediately to the Places tab and
click the "Drop Marker" option to mark this spot. Then go
back to the UO tab and calibrate again. This will take you
back to where you are located, but this time you will see
a white line pointing in the direction of the SoS location.
Before you go dashing off after that treasure, use the zoom
options to pan out and get a better view of the whole world.
It might take a minute to load but you will get a much better
sense of where the SoS is. This way you can go to the bank
and dock your boat, and recall to a town or place closer to
the SoS location. This can save you a lot of time.
Once at the closest departure place, set sail in the direction
of the SoS. Hide yourself on the way so no one bothers you,
monster or person. You will notice a yellow number in the
bottom right corner of UOAM, this tells you the number of
tiles you are away from the marker. You want the number of
tiles to be under 5 and as close to 0 as possible.
Once you've got the number of tiles around 5 check your sextant
and see if the coords it gives you are anything like that
of the SoS. If so, groovy. If not, you might be having problems
with UOAM.
Anyhow make sure the MiB is in your backpack while you fish,
and try a few casts. You may find some strange things before
you find the actual treasure. Such items can include different
paintings, globes, pieces of skeletons, pieces of barrels,
pillows, sea shells and more. You will know you can't fish
anything else up when you receive a hefty wooden or metal
chest from the heart of the ocean, full to the brim with magic
items, gold, regs, and gems. This is your bounty for all the
hours of hard work that has come prior to this moment. Paid
off, didn't it? See below:
There are three different levels of SoS that can be found.
Below describes the bounty within each:
- LEVEL 1 Chests (1000 gold, 5 magic items, 4 scrolls,
3 gems, and 150 or so reagents)
- LEVEL 2 Chests (2000 gold, 10 magic items, 8 scrolls,
6 gems, and 300 or so reagents)
- LEVEL 3 Chests (3000 gold, 15 magic items,
12 scrolls, 9 gems, and 450 or so reagents)
Which chest you find is random and from what I've found is
that any level fisherman has the same chance of pulling up
a level 3 as does a Grandmaster Fisherman. Yet only the Grandmaster
can find the SoS bottle. *grin*.
Well good luck on your travels and may the gods smile upon
your ship with good fortune.
If you have any questions or comments please see my profile
in the Members section. It has my current Email address and
ICQ number.
Fisher Minus of Baja
P.S. Check out this hints section. I have some good suggestions,
tricks and facts to help you out.
Hints for Fishing on a Boat in Deep Ocean:
- I must again encourage any serious fisherman out there
to download UOAutomap from
I cannot stress its importance; I have gotten lost countless
numbers of times and without this I might still be lost
to this day. SoS hunting as well would be frighteningly
hard without this program. For those of you who don't like
using third party programs I strongly urge you to check
this one out, it's a very well made program intended only
to help aid you when you're lost or need to find something
quickly. It also has a nice tracking feature, so if your
fellow guild mates also have this program you can keep track
of each other.
- Always keep one of your master keys in the bank where
it was originally placed when you used your boat deed. Also
when you're on your ship, keep the other key in the hold
box on your ship, so in the case of your death it will be
secure in the boat and no monsters or person can loot it,
nor will it decay. Even better, make a copy of your boat
master key, leave both of the keys in the bank, and bring
the copy along with you. That way if you get off your boat
in an unguarded zone and get killed the person who takes
the key can only unlock the boat; they can't dock it or
recall to it.
- If you have UOAssist, turn on the stacking option in the
Macros section and put a few of the 4 different types of
fish at your feet. When you fish, instead of your backpack
getting full from fish, they will be stacked directly into
the piles on the ground. Nice option, yet a little unfair
as most 3rd party programs are. I recommend using UOAssist,
it will double your fishing time because you don't have
to empty your backpack as frequently.
- If you're in Jhelom, pull your boat up right next to the
bank along the south wall. You'll notice the bank is right
along the water line. I've found for convenience that you
can access your bank while on your boat if you get close
enough to the bank in a certain spot. Play around with it
until you get it, it's very helpful, since you don't have
to unlock your boat every time you want to do some banking.
- Remember, if you get murdered or awake from a macro to
find yourself but a ghost on a ship all alone in the middle
of the ocean, don't panic. You can still control your ship
as long as you're the only person on it. Just open up UOAutomap
and find out where you are, then sail to the nearest city/shrine.
If you don't have UOAutomap, it sucks to be you. You now
have to sail aimlessly until you find land then try to determine
where in the heck you are, then make way towards a town.
I suggest getting UOAutomap, if you haven't already. And
yes, you can even open the plank of your ship when your
dead, just make sure you are in war mode, and therefore
are visible, before you use the plank.
- Always keep a few recall regs or scrolls in the bank so
you can recall off your master key in the bank if you are
booted off your boat from lag or if you want to get back
on your boat without unlocking it.
Again, good luck! Fisher
Minus ICQ: 8558475
To update this listing, send your additions / deletions to [email protected].