Alton - Good evening and welcome to Ultima Online Celebrity Chat. UOCC is a forum wherein we bring to you celebrity guests from the UO community, ranging from website administrators, OSI personnel, counselors, seers, and even roleplayers and PKs from your own shard! They drop by to answer your questions about UO, their experiences in it, and about their own contribution to the community.
Alton - Our system is similar to the UOHOC chats. All you have to do is /msg a designated question taker with your question or comment. However, when it is your turn, rather then a moderator pasting your question in the chat, instead we set +voice to you and allow you to talk with the celebrity guest yourself!
Alton - We ask that you please keep your questions on topic. Our guests are not on the DEV team and cannot answer when necromancy is going to be released. Also, this is not a forum for debates...if a particular thread goes on we may ask you to put it off until after the chat has ended.
Alton - Our question takers tonight will be CJ, Patience, ASCR_Sassy, and ImaXena.
Alton - Now ImaNewbie Why dont you tell us a little about yourself.

ImaNewbie - Hail and Well Met!
ImaNewbie - ummmm....
ImaNewbie - Anything special you would like to know
ImaNewbie - ?
Alton - anything you wish to share with them
* Niobe whispers they can't speak right now *
ImaNewbie - OK well I have been playing UO since just after the beta, doing the web page www.imanewbie.comfor about a year and a half
ImaNewbie - I am a Canadian, eh?
ImaNewbie - Arg this is tough, ask me some questions
* Alton grins *
* ImaXena pets ImaNewbie *
Alton - Well, Let the questions roll in.
* ImaNewbie throws up into jester's cap *
* ImaNewbie ponders the meaning of the dead silence *
* ImaXena checks the mike *
Alton - We Ask that if you have a question YOU please Msg on of the question takers and Not ImaNewbie.

ImaNewbie - k next question
ImaNewbie - k the question was how much time do I spend ingame, well, too damn much... when I can I am in every night until my eyes start to bleed.
ImaPfredd - Well - it appeears that ImaNewbie is psychic
ImaPfredd - He anticipated my question :-)
Alton - he is Godly isnt he
ImaPfredd - I'm not worthy!
ImaNewbie - Nor am I!
ImaPfredd - OK - since I still have the mike
ImaPfredd - How much, if any of thee cartoon
ImaPfredd - is done in REAL UO
ImaNewbie - Ok well to tell the truth not much
ImaNewbie - most of it is done in TUS or FUSE
ImaNewbie - I tried doing them online but the crowds that formed messed it up
ImaNewbie - Everyone wanted a "bit" part
ImaPfredd - Understood :-)
ImaNewbie - And everyone who didnt want a part wanted to kill me
ImaPfredd - Thanks!
* ImaPfredd laughs *
ImaNewbie - That will be five dollars
* ImaXena laughs *
* Alton chuckles *
ImaNewbie - k next question

ImaDarkBlade - Hey there
ImaNewbie - Hey ImaDB
ImaDarkBlade - I just wanted to say I'm a big fan and all and ask a question or two
ImaNewbie - shoot
ImaDarkBlade - Well, basically, I was wondering what sort of utilities you used
ImaDarkBlade - Outside of FUSE and TUS which you already mentioned
ImaDarkBlade - hehe
ImaNewbie - K well I use a whole ton of graphics proggys, Corel PhotoPaint, PaintShop Proo
ImaNewbie - ImageComposer, Gif Construction Set, you name it.
ImaDarkBlade - Ah
ImaDarkBlade - I was also curious where you got your ideas
ImaDarkBlade - Do you have any influences or inspirations from people?
ImaNewbie - I work at pixel level on my cuts to try and make it so you cant see how I did it
ImaDarkBlade - Ahhh
ImaNewbie - Yeah I get inspiration every time some kewl dewd kills my ass
* ImaDarkBlade laughs *
* ImaXena feels sorry *
* Alton grins *
ImaDarkBlade - Hrm...
* ImaDarkBlade thinks *
ImaDarkBlade - I think that's about it
ImaDarkBlade - hehe
ImaNewbie - And I have had about 50K emails from players telling me their experiences
* ImaDarkBlade chuckles *
ImaDarkBlade - Sounds like it must be a nightmare
ImaNewbie - I even answered some of them, har har
* ImaDarkBlade chuckles a bit more *
ImaDarkBlade - ImaKlutz wanted me to ask you something
ImaNewbie - So thanks for your question and onward we go
* ImaDarkBlade is done now *
* ImaNewbie searches for freshly opened Moosehead *

ImaNewbie - Yo Paul, or should I say Greetings Fellow Traveller or something corny
paul - yes
paul - lol.
ImaNewbie - so do you have a question of blinding importance?
paul - How do you feel about osi's actions
paul - toward unattended macroing?
ImaNewbie - Well being a truly noble player I totally agree with them ... NOT!!!!
paul - before i ask my next question
paul - i just wanna say i hope osi reads this.
ImaNewbie - Actually unless you have the next forty years to play UO its kinda hard to
ImaNewbie - resist the temptation of the occasional macro EI
paul - And my other question.. how do you feel about osi bringing in siege perilious to replace abyss?
paul - What do you think is the better shard ?
ImaNewbie - Well I only play on the regular shards, the only time I played TestCenter I was s
ImaNewbie - up to my pantaloons in idiots swarming the advancement gates
ImaNewbie - And siege perilous is just too damn hard
paul - yeah, im a tc regular i feel the same way.
ImaNewbie - to get advancement
paul - yep and one last question from
ImaNewbie - k shoot
paul - Irma
paul - <IrmaMusicwoman> can u ask him if he consdiers making flash movies
ImaNewbie - K fair question, well not right now. I am still learning java so I can fully
ImaNewbie - bog down all the people who visit my site and dont have cable modems, haha
ImaNewbie - Thanks for your questions Paul

Alton - I know You all want your questions Asked and Answerd But we Need to to Msg the Question takers with them we are flooded with Questions and your does not get answerd Im very sorry but we cant answer them all Next person that Does it will Lose thier abity to ask further questions.
Remmah - Hello
ImaNewbie - Hiya Remmah
Remmah - ok i got a few questions
* ImaNewbie gulp, go ahead *
Remmah - 1. When will u make the next comic?
* ImaXena points ears *
ImaNewbie - Well I know I have been kinda slow lately but I have had a lot on my plate
ImaNewbie - I had to go out of town to make some money, then there christmas coming up,
Remmah - yea (can always help if u ever need it)
ImaNewbie - and a bunch of other things all happened at once.
Remmah - yea
ImaNewbie - But I am nearly on track now, head to my site and check out my Christmas logo,
ImaNewbie - There is a message there about it
Remmah - *will after this*
Remmah - *feels even dumber than he made himself looks*
ImaNewbie - k what's your next question?
Remmah - 2. <*IrmaMusicwoman*> will u ask him if he will play my UOX shard
ImaNewbie - Well I have been known to drop in on player run shards, as long as you make me
ImaNewbie - instant 7X GM and rich as hell
* ImaNewbie j/k *
ImaNewbie - Does that answer your question?
* ImaXena points to the voiceless mike *

ImaNewbie - Hiya SHoe
ImaNewbie - Shoe
* Alton pokes Shoe *
* ImaXena pokes shoe too *
Shoe - huh?
Shoe - oh
* ImaNewbie loots shoe *
Shoe - just a sec
Shoe - when did you start playing uo, and why did you eventually move to pac?
Shoe - ive got about 10 channels goin here,..get a little distracted.
ImaNewbie - K well I started playing right at the beginning as soon as the retail game
ImaNewbie - I moved to Pac when a lot of my friends left Napa...
ImaNewbie - I felt like making a new start
Shoe - no seedy politics involved at all?
ImaNewbie - I went there for the Skara Brae Moonlight Faire and people were so nice
ImaNewbie - THat I figured it was a good shard to play on.
ImaNewbie - Many people helped me get started up with gifts of money etc
ImaNewbie - Probably the three most influential people in me moving were Peaches, Peregrinator and Lady Raven
ImaNewbie - Three great people on Pac if you ever chance to meet them
ImaNewbie - That answer your question?
Shoe - yah, thanks :)

ImaDarkBlade - Hey again
ImaNewbie - rehi IDB
ImaDarkBlade - =)
ImaDarkBlade - I wanted to know what you considered your best or funniest comic
ImaDarkBlade - And what it was about
ImaNewbie - Well OK, here goes. I think my all time personal fave was when Ima polymorphed into a ham. Something just struck me as hilarious about him out in the woods yelling HELLLLLLLPP!
ImaDarkBlade - Ohhhhh I remember that one
* ImaDarkBlade laughs *
ImaDarkBlade - Might I ask why?
ImaNewbie - Well you try spending the night in the woods as a ham...
ImaDarkBlade - heheh
ImaDarkBlade - Got a good point there =P
ImaNewbie - The Killer Chicken and Tiny Recall Island prolly generated the most mail
ImaDarkBlade - Well
ImaDarkBlade - Thanks again
ImaDarkBlade - =)
ImaNewbie - my pleasure sire...
ImaDarkBlade - Heh

ghyde - Hail and well met, ImaNewbie!
ImaNewbie - Hail back at ya, ghyde
ghyde - What are your thoughts on the many and varied play styles that have been created as a result of Ultima Online?
ImaNewbie - You mean like the sadistic serial killers, overnoble whiners, I just got pk's types?
ghyde - Yeah, like that sort, and those that attempt to RP in UO as well.
ImaNewbie - Hey I roleplay!
ImaNewbie - haha
* Patience nods and smiles *
ImaNewbie - Well my thoughts are that if it werent for the tremendous variety of head cases
ImaNewbie - in this game I would have trouble coming up with my next toon.
ghyde - Speaking of which, how is your err handler(?) Tryon doing at the moment?
ImaNewbie - Tryon is bogged down, but he is gonna get some time to update soon.
ghyde - Wish him luck!
ImaNewbie - Yeah, he'll need it. He has the new epi half done, some midis picked out and a new Armand Hammer toon.
ghyde - Could he please add an option to not have the midi player switched on?
ghyde - The sound is horrible from these tinny old speakers here ... Sad to say ...
ImaNewbie - It has an option... it is called the stop button, har har
ImaNewbie - Sounds great in surround sound
* ghyde has to get newer speakers ... *
ImaNewbie - I just bought a new PIII with a kickass vid card and I have a cable modem so I am
ghyde - and a new computer too - but, I digress ... I've been asked to wrap things up ...
ImaNewbie - in seventh heaven
ghyde - So I'm going to wish ImaNewbie and his fans Merry Xmas and Happy New Year!
ghyde - And say bye for now.
ImaNewbie - Now if I can just stop playing Need for Speed High Stakes at 1600 X 1200 long enough to update my site.

ImaNewbie - Hi Eve,
Eve[none] - hello
Eve[none] - sorry... i thought the question askers were going to do this part
ImaNewbie - What does the [none] stand for?
Eve[none] - i just wanted to know if you play the ImaNewbie character on all shards?
Eve[none] - long boring IRC story and you are supposed to be the one in the spotlight not me :)
ImaNewbie - Well I have Ima on Pac, Napa, Sonoma, Atlantic, GL and a couple of others.
ImaNewbie - But usually he lives on Pac
Eve[none] - i think i would have to log out laughing if i ever even saw you in game... i'd be looking for the chicken
Eve[none] - where on Pacific do you hang out?
ImaNewbie - Well the chicken has appeared more than once
ImaNewbie - I hang in various places and incarnations. I only usually play Ima now for special events and stuff.
ImaNewbie - It is hard to play when you are getting mobbed
Eve[none] - normal character play or just typical ImaNewbie from the strip sort of stuff?
Eve[none] - well that pretty much answered b4 i asked then... you do play other characters.... ?
ImaNewbie - Well my favorite characters are Elvira and Emerald (both female)
* Eve[none] GASPS!!! ImaNewbie in drag *
* Alton laughs *
ImaNewbie - El is a gm alchy, poisoner, fencer, archer etc etc etc
ImaNewbie - And Emerald is working on tank mage
* ImaNewbie has to be a little bent to dress the way he does *
Eve[none] - well thanks.. that does it for me... btw i kill every chicken i see since reading your strip :)
ImaNewbie - Thank you, you do me a service :)

ImaKlutz-LSR - Hail once again Ima
ImaNewbie - oh-oh, an insider
ImaNewbie - Hiya Klutz
ImaKlutz-LSR - Aye!
ImaKlutz-LSR - ok a couple questions
ImaNewbie - fire away
ImaKlutz-LSR - do you feel about our progress on the pacific shard
ImaKlutz-LSR - with the pub and fellowship hall and all
ImaNewbie - well kinda slow and a lot of that is my fault, I hardly get the time to play Ima of late.
ImaNewbie - But the hall is there for those who would visit and the pub is running well under Dufus and CJ's capable hands
ImaKlutz-LSR - thank you ima heres my next question
* ImaNewbie waits with baited breath *
ImaKlutz-LSR - Do you feel that the losers need to run events more?
ImaNewbie - Yes, definitely, you're hired....
* Alton laughs *
ImaKlutz-LSR - ok then let me anounce it here =P
ImaKlutz-LSR - come to the ImaKlutz hellofest
ImaNewbie - ?me ponders "wonder what this is gonna cost me in rep"
ImaNewbie - oops
ImaNewbie - so much for emote

Alton - Thank you for attending tonight's UOCC. Remember, UOCC occurs every other Monday night at 7pm CST. The log of tonight's chat will be posted tomorrow on
Alton - Please feel free to join us here in #ultima-online at any time of the week for help in game, the latest UO news, or just to chat. Have a nice evening.
ImaXena -The cartoons of ImaNewbie can be found at