Alton - Good evening and welcome to Ultima Online Celebrity Chat. UOCC is a forum wherein we bring to you celebrity guests from the UO community, ranging from website administrators, OSI personnel, counselors, seers, and even roleplayers and PKs from your own shard! They drop by to answer your questions about UO, their experiences in it, and about their own contribution to the community.
Alton - Our system is similar to the UOHOC chats. All you have to do is /msg a designated question taker with your question or comment. However, when it is your turn, rather then a moderator pasting your question in the chat, instead we set +voice to you and allow you to talk with the celebrity guest yourself!
Alton - We ask that you please keep your questions on topic. Our guests are not on the DEV team and cannot answer when necromancy is going to be released. Also, this is not a forum for debates...if a particular thread goes on we may ask you to put it off until after the chat has ended.
Alton - Our question takers tonight will be Cj, Destiny
* Destiny Waves *
Alton - Tonights Guest is Dren Jootz The Mayor of Destiny, on Ls, Dren why dont you tell us abit about yourself.

Dren_Jootz - Hmm, I have been playing for over two years. During that time I've been in several guilds leading up
Dren_Jootz - to the creation of Destiny.
Dren_Jootz - Destiny is about 8 months old now.

DarkBlade - Hi there
DarkBlade - How did you manage to get GM help with your town?
Dren_Jootz - To answer your question Darkblade...
Dren_Jootz - We do not have support yet
DarkBlade - I've always been a fan of GM helped things...doo dahs...
Dren_Jootz - =)
DarkBlade - Oh
DarkBlade - lol
DarkBlade - My bad
DarkBlade - Well
DarkBlade - Might I ask what your town is all about then?
DarkBlade - or city...your choice =)
Dren_Jootz - Basically, it is a collection of public buildings offering standard town functions
Dren_Jootz - It is rather large with a large citizenship
DarkBlade - Ah
Dren_Jootz - We are in the process of trying to get some blessings
DarkBlade - So basically a lot of player owned vendor houses
DarkBlade - With blacksmiths and such
Dren_Jootz - Most of it coming from contact with Seers, etc...
Dren_Jootz - Yes we have those
DarkBlade - Ah
DarkBlade - Cool =)
Dren_Jootz - Armory, Bowery, tailor, etc...
Dren_Jootz - Most everything, but no dang pentagram builders =)
* DarkBlade laughs *
DarkBlade - Gotta have the pentagrams, eh? =P
Dren_Jootz - Would be nice =)
* DarkBlade smiles *
DarkBlade - Anyway...
DarkBlade - Where's the place located, out of curiosity?
Dren_Jootz - It is just Northwest of the desert
Dren_Jootz - right on the road
Dren_Jootz - the road divides it
DarkBlade - ...ok...heh...i'm not familiar with much outside of Moonglow
DarkBlade - Thanks though
DarkBlade - I'll be sure to check it out
Dren_Jootz - Great, look forward to meeting you....again
DarkBlade - =)

* Alton poks Damas *
Damas - Oops I'm here
Damas - Anywho.. heya Dren
Dren_Jootz - Hail =)
Dren_Jootz - Can you restate your question for everyone?
Damas - Do u have any future plans when UO2 comes out on what u and ur guild will be doing then?
Dren_Jootz - Not really anything in stone. That is something that is so unpredictable we can't plan for it.
Dren_Jootz - I have heard many go back and forth on what they will do.
Dren_Jootz - It will be interesting to say the least =0.
Damas - What do u think u will do?
Dren_Jootz - Hehe, well personally I am not a big fan of 1st person....that's just me
Damas - heh
Dren_Jootz - I like the style of chat in is the easiest to understand who is talking
Dren_Jootz - and gives you a good feeling of a real conversation
Dren_Jootz - So far I haven't seen anything like it
Dren_Jootz - Interaction between players is what puts this game above any other for me
Damas - ic
Damas - Since OSI hasn't had time to do everything, what do u think u can do to make UO a better place for fun?
Dren_Jootz - Well, that is the key
Dren_Jootz - That is what we developed Destiny for really
Dren_Jootz - We knew that there was so much more to get out of the game and it was really in our hands to do it
Dren_Jootz - I am trying to create a place for all to play the way they wish (with some rules)
Dren_Jootz - We have several groups within Destiny that play differently from
Dren_Jootz - roleplaying to pvp
Dren_Jootz - We even have an orc clan starting
Dren_Jootz - only at one, but hey....have to start somewhere =)
Damas - :)
Damas - That's good to hear.. I have had bad experiences in UO in the past
Damas - but it's good people in high places are making it better
Dren_Jootz - Hehe, well that continues for all us from time to time
Damas - Thx for ur time
Damas - later
Dren_Jootz - Thank you

Dren_Jootz - Hello Desinged
Designed - Woo that's me
Dren_Jootz - err
Dren_Jootz - Designed
Designed - Well you already answered my first question...
Dren_Jootz - Please ask your question again.
Designed - is there some sort of town policies that are more specific, ie no macroing (even if attended) ?
Dren_Jootz - WEll, not specifically I don't think
Dren_Jootz - ok
Designed - Does Destiny have a main focus of play, such as RP, powergaming, or PKing? Also
Dren_Jootz - Not really that specific, but you have to realize
Dren_Jootz - that the majority of what is considered "town" is public buildings
Dren_Jootz - So macro'ing is really not possible inside the town
Dren_Jootz - but our rules are pretty simple
Dren_Jootz - Everyone has to respect Destiny and those within it
Dren_Jootz - We don't mind people rp'ing evil just as long as it doesn't cause problems with others in town
Dren_Jootz - If they do...the guards rp kicking them out =)
* Designed grins *
Dren_Jootz - Focus of play....
Dren_Jootz - Really I am trying to provide an atmosphere that allows all to have fun
Dren_Jootz - My job has been to keep each of these groups from killing each other
Dren_Jootz - I think we are getting better at that everyday =)
Designed - Heh... good. :) Also, I have another question...
Dren_Jootz - Ok
Designed - Since your group has (obviuosly) gained a lot of popularity, do you find yourself being attacked by many of the "not so nice" PKs that loot and taunt corpses?
Dren_Jootz - heh, we have always had trouble with one group or another
Dren_Jootz - Since our popularity it has not gotten much worse, but no better either
Dren_Jootz - most that come to cause trouble
Dren_Jootz - Respect what we do and kind of abide by some unwritten laws
Dren_Jootz - Most will loot but many just leave horses alone or only go after the veteran characters, etc...
Dren_Jootz - But we always have groups that just want to cause us trouble
Dren_Jootz - Mostly to oppose what we are doing and think it is "dumb." hehe
* Designed smiles *
Dren_Jootz - Any other questions?
Designed - That's all I can think of, thanks!
Dren_Jootz - From Designed that is...
Dren_Jootz - Ok, Thank you Designed.

Magicia - Hiya
Dren_Jootz - Hello =)
Magicia - Having some connection problems so bare with me
Dren_Jootz - Understood
Magicia - I am trying to start a town on Chesapeake and was wondering how got started
Dren_Jootz - Well it really was something we fell into
Dren_Jootz - I can tell you some of the biggest ingredients for it though
Magicia - Please do
Dren_Jootz - We had some good luck in getting some of the best people to be leaders.
Dren_Jootz - These people were in many different organizations all over the shard
Dren_Jootz - They fell out or in between the cracks to come together with us
Dren_Jootz - Some of the best organizers and people are left in the dust of other good groups
Dren_Jootz - We seemed to have collected them
Dren_Jootz - Since then they have done everything in their power to build up the town
Dren_Jootz - Most of it really was just buying out a large area
Dren_Jootz - Using trades on houses mostly since that is the way of real estate these days
Dren_Jootz - It took a lot of hours from many people to get it done
Dren_Jootz - The biggest thing you have to do is make everyone aware of the goal
Magicia - That I have tried
Dren_Jootz - I know that is kind of vague, but really that is it. =)
Magicia - Understood Thanks
Dren_Jootz - Thank you

Dren_Jootz - Hello again
DarkBlade - hehe
DarkBlade - You know me...I just love chatting =)
DarkBlade - Anyway, I obviously have another question for you
DarkBlade - I wanted to know what sorts of duties you have, being the mayor of Destiny
Dren_Jootz - Well, we have several other factions within Destiny that take some of the duties away from me
Dren_Jootz - Just because of RL time and issues
DarkBlade - What sorts of factions?
Dren_Jootz - Ah
Dren_Jootz - Well we have guilds that cover several duties
Dren_Jootz - The guards (KFW)
Dren_Jootz - They guard the town, are medium in rp'ing, and do not war
DarkBlade - Ahh
Dren_Jootz - The merchants (ToD)
Dren_Jootz - They are all about money =)
DarkBlade - An obvious one =P
Dren_Jootz - The warring faction (DW)
Dren_Jootz - Another obvious one...they only do individual wars though
Dren_Jootz - All about pvp though basically
DarkBlade - Individual wars....being what?
Dren_Jootz - We have a new one that is about strict rp'ing (PhD)
Dren_Jootz - Oh they select individual guilds to war
Dren_Jootz - meaning not Virtue wars
DarkBlade - Ahhh I see
Dren_Jootz - Choas or Order
DarkBlade - o
DarkBlade - Gotcha =)
Dren_Jootz - We have a few other "guilds" that are smaller and building up
Dren_Jootz - to be major influences in the town
DarkBlade - Sounds big...heh
Dren_Jootz - Other smaller factions
Dren_Jootz - within the "town" Destiny
Dren_Jootz - Are the orcs, hunters, and The Circle
DarkBlade - Mmm
Dren_Jootz - The Circle being pure mages
DarkBlade - Oh
Dren_Jootz - Hunters only doing pvm
DarkBlade - Anything thief related? *smiels*
Dren_Jootz - That has been suggested
Dren_Jootz - It is difficult for me to fit that in
DarkBlade - Ah
Dren_Jootz - to what Destiny is about
Dren_Jootz - Since respecting others covers not stealing from them
Dren_Jootz - heh
DarkBlade - So what duties are carried out by you?
Dren_Jootz - I'm still working on that
DarkBlade - You've obviously talked about factions, but what's your part in the whole scheme
Dren_Jootz - Well Destiny or the guild Des is used
Dren_Jootz - as the "melting pot" so to speak
Dren_Jootz - I take initiates in
DarkBlade - Ah
Dren_Jootz - There are few initiations
Dren_Jootz - Just telling them the rules
Dren_Jootz - and how things run
Dren_Jootz - Most "Citizens" stay in Des and just enjoy the town and its people
DarkBlade - I see
Dren_Jootz - But some decide to join a faction
Dren_Jootz - The factions have many more rules and customs
Dren_Jootz - depending on their leaders
Dren_Jootz - I do not control any of that
Dren_Jootz - other than they have to abide by Destiny law
Dren_Jootz - Each faction has a seat on the Destiny Council
Dren_Jootz - Which I head up
Dren_Jootz - we meet about once a month
Dren_Jootz - So one of my jobs is to chair that
DarkBlade - What about?
DarkBlade - Gotcha
Dren_Jootz - Well, any issues that have come up
Dren_Jootz - between members, citizens, leaders, etc...
Dren_Jootz - Believe me that is a daily event
* DarkBlade chuckles *
DarkBlade - Well thanks a lot
Dren_Jootz - I also
Dren_Jootz - Work on getting more and more factions built up
DarkBlade - I see
Dren_Jootz - Once they are started I just let them run their course
Dren_Jootz - *finished* hehe
DarkBlade - hehe
DarkBlade - Thanks =)
Dren_Jootz - Thank you

DrGBud - Hi. =)
Dren_Jootz - Hello =)
DrGBud - I was just wondering how your security is.
DrGBud - As far as murderers and thieves go, what you do to keep them out?
Dren_Jootz - Well, I would love to say it is perfect *gonna catch it now*
Dren_Jootz - But realistically we can't do it all the time
Dren_Jootz - Fights can last all day long depending on who is on
Dren_Jootz - Most people that come to Destiny will find it populated most the time
DrGBud - On the average, how large is the size of your guard force?
Dren_Jootz - but that doesn't mean that guards are available
Dren_Jootz - You mean at any given time?
DrGBud - yeah
Dren_Jootz - Well during peak times (6-12 pm) we probably have 10-15 people around
Dren_Jootz - But not all in one spot
Dren_Jootz - They have to be called most the time
Dren_Jootz - so quick attacks usually go succesfully for pks and theives
DrGBud - I see.. do they carry communication crystals or anything?
Dren_Jootz - No, we have enough leaders that everyone can contact them through icq mostly
Dren_Jootz - plus
Dren_Jootz - we do a good job of keeping known enemies known to all and banned from buildings
Dren_Jootz - so the weaker chars have a place to escape to
Dren_Jootz - That is really all we can do in the majority of cases
Dren_Jootz - Plus we keep our people informed
Dren_Jootz - on what to do. For the really weak it is to just give counts, etc...
Dren_Jootz - Communication is really the key to it all
DrGBud - Cool. Sounds like you guys are doing a really great job. Thanks.
Dren_Jootz - Thank you

Alton - Thank you for attending tonight's UOCC. Remember, UOCC occurs every other Monday night at 7pm CST. The log of tonight's chat will be posted tomorrow on
Alton - Please feel free to join us here in #ultima-online at any time of the week for help in game, the latest UO news, or just to chat. Have a nice evening.
Dren_Jootz - Thank you everyone for coming....*waves*