Dariuas - Good evening and welcome to our 23rd Ultima Online Celebrity Chat. UOCC is a forum wherein we bring to you celebrity guests from the UO community, ranging from website administrators, OSI personnel, counselors, seers, and even roleplayers and PKs from your own shard!
Dariuas - They drop by to answer your questions about UO, their experiences in it, and about their own contribution to the community. Our system is similar to the UOHOC chats. All you have to do is /msg a designated question taker with your question or comment.
Dariuas - Tonight's Question Takers will be, Aesop, Sha-Bubu, and Wolfgang, please /query or /msg them with your questions! Do not msg other ops or the celeb!
Dariuas - Tonights guests will be Lead Counselor Destiny and Shard Lead Counselor Dracor.. While we are waiting for questions lets listen as our guests introduce themselves.
* Dariuas drops a pin *

Dracor - Thank you Dariuas. Quick intro. I'm one of the two lead counselors for the central servers. Siege, Greate lakes, and Lake superior. Besides dealing with Dest on a daily basis, I get to work with some very wonderful people.
* Destiny Takes her lantern and Hits Dracor in the gut with it *
* Destiny Wavies to everyone *
Dracor - and taking abuse.
Destiny - Im the other Lead for Central, My job is to Abuse Dracor! :P
Destiny - Dracor and I Are in charge of all counselors in the colunteer program for Ultima Online
Destiny - Er volunteer :)
Destiny - For the Central region

Dariuas - Go ahead Zeppelin
Zeppelin - Thanks.
Zeppelin - :)
Destiny - Hiyas Zeppelin!
Zeppelin - Hail!! :)) Its good to see you.
Destiny - And you :)
Zeppelin - Now that OWOO has been cancelled (and with it some hope of starting over for some former robed ones), are there openings in the Program for those Counselors who for whatever reason left their robes? In other words, can the slate be wiped clean?
Dracor - Unfortunatly at this time the applications for the counselor program are closed.
Zeppelin - :(
* Destiny Sniffles *
Zeppelin - Thank you.
Dracor - Once they reopen, anyone will be able to apply provided they meet the requirements (age and account check primarily)
Dracor - welcome :)
Destiny - Thanks Zeppelin! :)

Dariuas - Go ahead homie_the_klown
Dariuas - homie_the_klown ?
homie_the_klown - sorry
homie_the_klown - was afk
* Destiny Tackles homie *
Dariuas - <homie_the_klown> I want to know how many people started playing Siege perilous when they took out RoT
Destiny - Unfortunatly, We dont have Exact Numbers, however we did see an Increase
homie_the_klown - it seems dead still the shard is boring and no RoT made it even more boring
Destiny - Well, While some came to Siege, Others who enjoyed RoT went back to other shards So it kind of balanced out I think :)
homie_the_klown - i think more will leave for other shards sense sp gets no new lands
Destiny - If You have suggestions on what you feel should or shouldnt go on Siege Post on the Development boards :)
homie_the_klown - i will thank you
Destiny - Thanks Homie :)

Dariuas - Go ahead Gambit.
* Destiny Tackles Gambit *
Dariuas - Gambit?
Gambit - a bunch of the good atlantic pvpers are moving to gl to kill them all can u make an event out of this?
Destiny - Well Perhaps you can as a Player, But We Are in support, We Dont do events We save that for our Seers/Elders :)
Dracor - I think some GL folks would welcome the move, even though we don't get involved in events at all. :)
Gambit - Well can we get some seers here
Gambit - i bet they would like it
Destiny - :)
Gambit - "atlantic pvp r0xx0rs you newbie counselors
* Destiny laughs *
Aesop - ahem
Gambit - well can u guys make an event
Dariuas - Sorry to cut ya off gambit :P
Dracor - no we can't Gambit, it's not our area.
Destiny - Thanks Gambit :)
Destiny - <------- n00b :)

Dariuas - Zeppelin your up - again
* Destiny Tackles Zepp! *
Zeppelin - Meee again!!
Dracor - Glad you admit to it finally.
Zeppelin - :)
* Destiny giggles *
Zeppelin - Okies, here it is... How do you like your image (counselor's) in UO3d?
* Zeppelin gives Destiny a HUGE freshly baked chocolate chunk cookie *
Zeppelin - :)
Destiny - Yummy! :)
Dracor - Actually, I have yet to see what it looks like personally. Seems to be an issue with my Matrox card and the UO3d client :)
Destiny - I think they look cool We Finally have FACES!
Destiny - Although We look like were waiting for a flood because our robes are too short
Destiny - They look Really Cool none the less :)
Zeppelin - :))
Zeppelin - Thanks. :)
Destiny - Thank you! :)

Dariuas - Wazaaaaaaaaabi
* Destiny Tackles Wazabi *
Wazabi - hehe
Wazabi - i was curious about the new poisoning changes...
Wazabi - i haven't been able to find any lists on poisoning skill changes in making a nox mage
Wazabi - any help on poisoning skill vs level of poison cast?
Dracor - That makes two of us Wazabi. On the occasions I play, I have two mages that both use poisoning. But have not found anything to date to show what you cast at what level.
Wazabi - Destiny? any input?
Dracor - Only points on poisoning is 72 seems to be key on greater poison, and being 2 tiles away :)
Destiny - I agree with Drac, I havent Seen anything I just like the Effects it has :)
Destiny - Might want to try posting on the boards see if someone can answer it for you
Wazabi - i find it kind of strange, that they would make these changes
Wazabi - but not post any hard information on what the changes actually change.
Destiny - Have you tried the knowledge base? Perhaps it has some detailed information
Wazabi - yep
Wazabi - i searched for poisoning..
Destiny - Odd, Id try posting on the Dev boards
Wazabi - and it came up with 4th circle:Poison.
Wazabi - tht was about it..heh
Destiny - Hehe
Destiny - Try the Dev boards :)
Wazabi - will do...
Wazabi - thanks for the help
Destiny - My Pleasure :)

Dariuas - Go ahead Padin
Padin - w00t
* Destiny Tackles Padin *
Destiny - :)
Padin - oof
Padin - could each of you give us a rundown of one of the best calls you've had?
Destiny - Good Question! :)
Destiny - I can tell you the best calls are always the ones Where We Actaully help to solve a problem and Make the player happy :) Those are the most satisfying However Ill tell you a funny call As Well
Gilthas - Whoopie.
Gilthas - !!
Dracor - Best call... Well, funniest call was asking a player that had tamed 40 grizzly bears to please move them from the occlo bank. Upon gating them all to in front of covetous, he was promplty attacked. last I saw before leaving was 2 "pks" being chased by 40 bears.

Dariuas - Rofl
* Gilthas falls off his chair in laughter. *
Destiny - One of the funniest things Ive seen in my Q Was when a Player called the the call was "Help Ive lost my pants and Dont know where they went"
Padin - hahahaha
Dracor - It was 1am and I did wake two children and a wife up laughing...
Gilthas - ROFL
Aesop - lol
Padin - to be a fly on the wall of the counselor's guild....
Padin - :)
* Destiny giggles *
Dracor - Thanks Padin, was a good question.
Destiny - It can be intresting

Dariuas - Go ahead Seraphim
Seraphim - wooo :>
Gilthas - Oh lord..
* Destiny Tackles Seraphim *
Seraphim - with the introduction of the global q C's and players can no longer mingle in britain C call, do you find this makes the work more boring? (i know as a player it's more boring cuz i can't page for hugs anymore =( )
Dracor - hello Seraphim.
Destiny - It HAs defiantly Made us busy, But Player/counselor relationships is something I try so hard to work on, And I do hold Monthly Parties for my counselors in which all Players are invited :)
Seraphim - lucky for them :x wish west would.. last party we had was for Tia
Destiny - :)
Destiny - Well Feel Free to come to Central and join us anytime!
Seraphim - maybe i will! =)
* Destiny smiles *
Seraphim - oh wait :x no v no talking *goes shhhh again*

Dariuas - Go ahead Alkuk
* Destiny Tackles Alkuk *
Alkuk - oh
Alkuk - hehe
* Destiny Grin *
Alkuk - Why was Seige changed into RoT?
Alkuk - I think the vets are leaving
Alkuk - because Seige was their last resort
Alkuk - When the regular shards came overpopulated by K3wL d00ds
Alkuk - now K3wL d00ds go to Seige
Alkuk - to be
Alkuk - "r337" or eleite
Alkuk - thats all
Destiny - Unfortuantly We have no control over that, the Dev Team makes those descisions and Introduces them, however If you feel that it should return by all means post your thoughts on the boards :)
Destiny - They do Read them and Take the thoughts into consideration
Alkuk - ok Because I know an old old UO player
Alkuk - and he feels that Seige is being ruined by getting rid of RoT
Alkuk - Gm skills used to take a long time not its just regular
Destiny - He should defaintly Post then :)
Alkuk - erm now
Destiny - Aye
* Alkuk tackles Destiny *
Alkuk - HAHA
Destiny - Haha
* Destiny Ooofs! *
Destiny - :)
Destiny - Thanks Alkuk!

Dariuas - Go ahead Acann
Dracor - bout time someone repaid it.
Acann - Good evening
Dariuas - "it"?
* Destiny Tackles Acann *
Destiny - hush j00 Dracor :P
Dracor - (the tackle)
Dracor - evening Acann
Acann - Is there something going to be done about thieves in Felucia being able to escape by using the public moongates since they cannot recall or gate?
Acann - They hide near the gate, steal from you then hit Trammel when they go grey and there is nothing you can do about it.
Dracor - I know that we have reported it. What resolution will come out of it is in the hands of the dev team.
Acann - So then it has been reported?
Dracor - *nods* I know from our region it has.
Acann - Ok and one last thing before I go to work.
Acann - Is there anything in the works about getting all the faction members that are hiding in Trammel back over to Felucia?
Dracor - Not that I'm aware of. only suggestion would be to get a bunch of people together to post on it. If you do recall Order/Chaos crossed that boundry.
Acann - We have been posting on it
Dracor - So perhaps something would come out of it if enough players made the request.
Acann - but nothing has been said officially
Dracor - No, I havn't seen anything across our "desks" on it either.
Acann - Well, here is our suggestion and mabye you can pass it along
* Destiny Looks at her desk *
Acann - Make faction players touch the Faction stone every 7 to 10 days. Otherwise they are kicked from the faction
Dracor - That's a thought, only issue I see are those that go on vacation. But we can pass it on.
Acann - I do not want to hold up the other people here, and I have to go arrest people tonight. Thank you all for your time.
Dariuas - Acann, sorry to cut you off, but we've got to get to other questions :)
Dracor - Thank you for joining us.

Gilthas - lol
Gilthas - Destiny, Dracor, as Central Lead Counselors, what are your duties? When you log on and begin your volunteer time, what is your routine?
Dariuas - Go ahead Fruit Cake.. er I mean Gilthas
* Gilthas slaps Dariuas. *
Destiny - Well We have alot of Duties actually
Destiny - We Make sure the Databases of all counselors are updated
Destiny - Make sure to Boost The moral of our counselors, Help them with calls, Take calls ourselves
Destiny - And I Spam them with emails :P
Gilthas - Wow, we have something in common. I spam people too. =)
* Destiny laughs *
Dariuas - Ok You've had to much time Gilthas
Gilthas - I..Er...
* Gilthas cries. *
Destiny - Dracor doesnt do much of anything :P
Gilthas - I'll make more time!
Destiny - Thanks Gilthas
Gilthas - I have more! ARGH!
* Gilthas mumbles *

Dariuas - Go ahead mr turtle
* Dracor ignores Destiny well *
* Destiny giggles *
* Destiny Tackles Stinky_turtle *
Dariuas - Turtle?
Dariuas - Um ok mr turtle
Destiny - hehe

Dariuas - Destiny, Dracor, can you describe to the jury... er public how you came about being SLC's?
Destiny - Hehe
Dracor - Hrmmmmm..
Dracor - *Thinks if this will be incriminating. (j/k)
* Kehleyr just says nothing *
* Destiny laughs *
Gilthas - You can always plead the fifth.
Destiny - Dracor can go first :P
Dracor - I originally went from Lake Superior to Test Center (I know, I know) as a Senior Counselor. From there, we built up the team. Siege Perilous came up, and I was made lead of Siege the first day it opened. -summoner- -CHANOPS- #ultima-online:soudns amazing :)
Dracor - brought on a few senior counselors, (one being Destiny) and down hill since then. *whistles*
Destiny - lol
Destiny - He l0v35 m3!
Dariuas - Grovey Dracor
Dariuas - So thats' what was wrong with LS for so long eh? *hides*
Dracor - Yes, Glamdring was the SRC back then, blame him.
* Gilthas will ask his last question, dern it. *
Destiny - Well.. I started out on Lake superior As Well, I interviewed for a SRC position on Siege with Dracor and I r0x0r3d so I got it, And Then, When the system Changed they needed more leads and I was promoted to LEad
Kehleyr - and we commonly call them daddy and mummy
* Kehleyr flees *
Destiny - Now I work beside Dracor to make his life miserable But even when he was Lead and I was SRC I was still the boss :)
* Destiny Tackles Keh *
Gilthas - har har

Dariuas - Go ahead gas man. er. beans :)
* Destiny Stalks Beans *
Beans - hehe
Beans - Question for Destiny... out of the three shards you work now, wouldn't you say that your old home shard of LS is the bestest? :)
Beans - perfect timing dar :)
Kehleyr - BEANS!
Dracor - Glad you still think that way Dest, makes controling you easier.
Destiny - Of Course, But My shard of LS is only the bestest because I get to stalk Beans :P
* Beans stalks destiny *
Destiny - Hehehe
Beans - can i quote you on that?
Destiny - Surely :P
* Beans writes the copy. headline: Destiny thinks LS r0><0r$ *
Destiny - Haha
Glamdring - i heard that
* Seraphim hates stalking C's... they play no fair during tag!! *
* Destiny laughs *
Gilthas - Yeah..go invisible, jump around...
Gilthas - Sometimes they FOLLOW you...
Gilthas - And you can't get rid of them
Beans - all done here :)
Beans - thanks des and drac **hugs**
* Destiny huggles Beans *
Dracor - Welcome :)
* Kehleyr notes Beans is a Winnie the Pooh killer! *
* Destiny laughs *

Dariuas - Alrighty then
Glamdring - Dracor has been found to be completely insane
Glamdring - pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
Gilthas - lmao
Dracor - Feel free to /msg Glamdring with your thoughts on that drive by
Destiny - Gilthas Question?
Gilthas - Nope.

Dariuas - Alrighty.
Dariuas - Thank you for attending tonight's UOCC. Remember, UOCC occurs every other Monday night at 7pm CST. The log of tonight's chat will be posted on http://uohoc.stratics.com.
Dariuas - Please feel free to join us here in #ultima-online at any time of the week for help in game, the latest UO news, or just to chat. Have a nice evening.
* Kehleyr wedgies Dracor good *
Dariuas - Special thanks to Destiny and Dracor for joining us!
Destiny - Thanks everyone!! *Tackles the room*

Dariuas - Please email [email protected] or [email protected] with suggestions for future guests or topics Thank you all and Good Night =)