This is where you go to choose what you want in your journals, and
what you dont. The default options are often quite sufficient, but
you might want some extra crap out of your journals. The picture below
is what it looks like: |
The Following are all self-explanatory and standard lines that should
be filtered, hold your mouse over them and you will see the exact
message that will be filtered:
Skill Delay
Action Delay
"You See:" Filters all messages of objects
that you see (except names of players that are in your Player, Friends
or Enemies list, see Game Data)
Shove Messages
Frozen Messages
Fatigued Messages
Duplicate Lines:
If you are in Britain, and there is a guy going: I sell Fish!!! and
he is holding his finger on his macro, you dont want all that in your
journals right?
So this is where you remove that sort of stuff, and yet you can
still see that it existed, since if 5 messages follow eachother,
the first one will remain and the other 4 are erased.
Skill Use Messages:
This is for those that work alot and dont like to see all their 5
hours of mining or tailoring in their journals. This filters out all
skills messages. For future compatibility I made this feature highly
customizable. If you open the crafting.ini file (assosiate
it with Notepad), you will see a lot of skill messages. If I missed
something or if you would like to add another skill that I might have
missed. Simply find the end of the section, and add extra messages
by using the text "CraftingMessage" and adding a number
at the end. The number must be 1 after the last number in the list.
So say the last message is "CraftingMessage34", that means
you should add "CraftingMessage35" and so on. The program
supports partial messages, so for skills like tailoring where you
get messages differently for different things you make. Ex. "You
create the tunic and put it in your backpack", simply adding
"and put it in your backpack." will be enough. (Dont forget
the messages are caps sensitive so look in your journals and copy
the messages EXACTLY as you see them, otherwise they will not be detected
and filtered). |
Player Speech:
Click Add Name to add a name of a player that you do not like. All
the text that is spoken by that person will be removed. Keep in mind
that you must enter the name EXACTLY as it appears in the game, I.E.
the name: KeWlDud must be written with all the capital letters
preserved, so kewldud will not be considered the same as KeWlDud. |
Extended Messages:
So you think I did not add enough stuff to filter? Well, this is easy
to remedy. Simply enter the message that you dont like in this field
(press Add) and tick the checkbox so that all the messages in the
field will be filtered. As with Crafting messages you can add partial
messages in here, BUT you must observe the captital letters! Also,
be careful about adding small parts of messages since all messages
containing that sentence will be removed. "The longer the Better". |
Simply sets all the values to those that I though would benefit you
most ;) |