The Healer's Profession by Anna Fairweather; edited
by Raphael the scribe |
This essay is based upon the original
healers essay written by Clarence in 1999. It has been
rewritten to take into account the many game changes that
we have seen in the past two years.
The essay covers how to train and use the essential healer
skills plus some suggestions on complimentary skills for your
healer. I also cover the controversy of healing folk in guild
wars, factions, criminals and murderers.
The essay doesn't just explain the game mechanics - a lot
of space has been devoted to the art of being a healer and
not just a person who heals. If you are able to become a healer
in terms of attitude, philosophy and commitment then you will
understand why "true" healers are one of the most respected
and trusted character types in this game.
Healer Basics
There are three healing abilities that a healer has and they
are dependent upon your healing and anatomy skill values.
If you have less than 61 in both then you can only heal wounds
(recover hit points). If you have between 61 and 81 in both
then you are able to cure poison as well as heal wounds. If
you have at least 81 in both then you can resurrect the dead,
cure poison and heal wounds.
The higher your skills in both healing and anatomy, the greater
chance of success you have at effectively healing, curing
or resurrecting your patient. Even a grandmaster in healing
and anatomy fails to cure poison or resurrect from time to
All healing abilities are triggered by using a bandage on
the desired target. The target must be either your own character
or another character (player / NPC / monster) that remains
next to your own character (within one tile) for the duration
of the time spent applying the bandage (meaning the moment
you start healing and the moment you finish applying the bandages).
Time to heal in seconds based
on target |
Self |
Other ** |
Heal Wounds |
10 - 15 * |
3 - 5 * |
Cure Poison |
10 - 15 * |
3 - 5 * |
Resurrect |
-- |
8 - 10 * |
If you are trying to use any healing ability and you are
attacked by a spell, missile or melee attack then you are
likely not able to apply the bandage as well as you would
have had without the attack. You may receive a �your fingers
slip� message � the more of these you receive, the less successful
your healing attempt will be (as you really need to concentrate
to heal wounds). Healers with high dexterity and high healing
will suffer from slipped fingers less than a novice healer
with low dexterity. Note: The exact way how dexterity and
healing interact has not been released to players and so I
can not give any precise information about it here.
When healing, you soon appreciate the value of a bandage.
There are two ways to supply yourself with bandages � the
expensive way and the cheap way!
Getting bandages the expensive way

Go to a tailor shop

Make sure you have some gold with you

Buy a bolt of cloth (costs 100 gold coins)

Use your scissors on the bolt of cloth

You get "cut cloth"

Use your scissors on the cut cloth

You get 50 clean bandages from one bolt
of cloth
Getting bandages the cheap way
Bandages from wool
Find a nice fluffy
Use a blade on the
sheep to cut off its wool
Collect more wool
as you travel the lands
Use wool on a spinning
You get one ball of
yarn for each pile of wool
Use balls of yarn
on a loom
You get a bolt of
cloth for each 5 balls of yarn
Use your scissors
on the bolt of cloth
You get "cut cloth"
Use your scissors
on the cut cloth
You get 50 clean bandages
from one bolt of cloth
Sheep are quite common in the land and come in two forms.
Fluffy ones can be shorn for their
wool and they then loose their fluffy look .
Collecting wool not only means that you get a steady supply
of bandages for nothing. It also means that you get out into
the fresh air and meet other folk. Tamers and bards are very
common where sheep can be found � why not team up with them
for a while and get some healing training done at the same
The easiest way to get wool from sheep is to go to the Yew
sheep pastures. Each pasture has between 15 to 20 sheep. And
if you're not a member of the local animal protection association,
you can as well kill the sheep and wait for new ones to spawn.
The new ones will come as the fluffy type, with wool still
attached to them. Just remember to first cut the wool of the
sheep, then kill it, not vice versa.

Yew sheep pastures
Bandages from cotton
Find some cotton plants |
Harvest the cotton (double click a cotton
plant). |
Collect more cotton as you travel the
lands |
Use cotton on a spinning wheel
You get one spool of thread for each
bit of cotton |
Use the thread on a loom |
You get a bolt of cloth for each 10
spools of thread |
Use your scissors on the bolt of cloth |
You get "cut cloth" |
Use your scissors on the cut cloth |
You get 50 clean bandages from one bolt
of bloth |
Cotton fields are not as common as sheep in the land and
vary in their location from shard to shard. However, there
does appear to be at least one site that is common to all
shards � the south fields of Moonglow.

Moonglow Cotton Fields
Picking cotton in the Moonglow Cotton Fields and then using
the handy spinning wheels and looms found in nearby player
homes is by far the most convenient way to get a large supply
of cloth - if you spend a couple of hours there then you can
get over a thousand bandages with ease. If you are short of
gold then do not cut the cloth � there is a ready market for
bolts of cloth and NPC tailors will pay around 60 gold for
each � in an hour you should be able to get enough cloth to
raise around 3,000 gold.
While cotton is easier to collect than wool, it also has
its drawbacks: Neither the cotton itself nor the spools of
thread stack, as both, wool and balls of yarn do. This means
a huge mess in your backpack, and you can't use a "Last Object
- Last Target" macro while spinning and weaving them. Finally,
you need to spin six times as often and weave two times as
often as you have to with wool.
Limitations to Healing
There was a time when a healer could heal any player with
the only drawback being flagged as a criminal when you healed
a criminal (including a murderer). This allowed healers to
heal those involved in things such as guild wars � much to
the annoyance of some folk. Why would people be upset that
a healer heals folk you ask? Well the reason is due to the
fact that these healers (known as �blue healers�) took sides
in a guild war and the other side could not attack them as
they would suffer being flagged as a criminal and be liable
to a murder count. People often made use of these so-called
blue healers to get an unfair advantage in their guild wars
� which also gave the true healers a bad name.
The way that healers can interact with players was changed
when the land of Trammel was created. The two lands carried
very different healing rules � known as beneficial acts. With
the recent discovery of the land if Ilshenar these healing
rules were changed yet again. Who you can heal and where (and
the consequences of such healing) is vital knowledge for any
Healing Scenarios: Limitations
and Consequences |
Healing Scenario |
Location is Felucca |
Location is Trammel/Ilshenar |
Consequence of Healing |
You attempt to heal, cure or resurrect a criminal (grey
or red) in a guard zone. |
Action is possible � subject to the faction rules (see
below) |
Action is possible � provided that the person being
healed is not in a guild war (see below) |
You are flagged as a criminal and almost guaranteed
to be killed by the guards � healing criminals in a guard
zone is not recommended. |
You attempt to heal, cure or resurrect a criminal (grey
or red) outside of a guard zone. |
Action is possible � subject to the faction rules (see
below) |
Action is possible � provided that the person being
healed is not in a guild war (see below) |
You are flagged as a criminal. If you are in Felucca
then you are highly likely to be killed by others for
your act of mercy. Until the criminal flag goes (two minutes)
you are advised to remain hidden. |
You are in a faction and wish to heal a member of the
same faction. |
Action is possible |
Action is possible |
None, unless the person being healed was a criminal
(see above). |
Your are in a faction and wish to heal a member of another
faction. |
Action is not possible |
Action is possible |
You are flagged as a criminal to fellow faction members. |
You are not in a faction and wish to heal a person in
a faction. |
Action is not possible |
Action is possible - providing that the person being
healed is not in a guild war (see below) |
None, unless the person being healed was a criminal
(see above). |
You are not in a guild war and wish to heal a person
who is in a guild war. |
Action is possible |
Action is not possible |
None, unless the person being healed was a criminal
(see above). |
You are in a guild war and wish to heal a fellow guild
member. |
Action is possible |
Action is possible |
None, unless the person being healed was a criminal
(see above). |
You are in a guild war and wish to heal a member of
a guild you are at war with. |
Action is possible |
Action is not possible |
You are flagged as a criminal to other members of the
guild war for two minutes. If the person being healed
was a criminal then you will be flagged as a criminal
to all people. |
You wish to heal a monster that is not tame. |
Action is possible |
Action is not possible |
This is a criminal action and you will be flagged as
a criminal for two minutes. |
You wish to heal a monster that has been tamed. |
Action is possible, unless the owner of the monster
is a member of a faction, and you are not in the same
faction (requires Veterinare/Animal Lore) |
Action is not possible, unless the owner of the monster
is a member of a guild that is at war (requires Veterinare/Animal
Lore) |
None. |
You wish to heal a person that is not in a guild war,
he/she is not in a faction, not a criminal or murderer
and you are none of these as well. |
Action is possible |
Action is possible |
None. |
Creating a healer from scratch
If you wish to start a healer from scratch, then you need
to use the "advanced" option on the character creation screen.
A word of warning here: If you are still new to Ultima Online
and still a "Young" player, then using the advanced option
to create a character is not recommended as you will not get
any of the new player quests for that particular character.
Using the advanced option allows you to select two or three
skills and distribute 100 skill points amongst them. I�d suggest
that you allocate 50 skill points to Healing, 49 skill points
to Anatomy and one skill point to a skill that gives you a
"newbie" item that you want. Newbie items are items that remain
with you when you die � I like going for hiding myself as
it is not only a useful skill but also gives you a cloak.
Other options are Musicianship to get a newbie instrument
for Provocation or Peacemaking or Magery for a spellbook with
a few spells and a wizard's hat.
You might want to consider spending your skill points on
other skills that are hard to train even in the lower levels
or require a lot of ressources to train, such as Magery, Hiding
or whatever. The reason is that getting from 0 to 50 skill
points is rather easy in both skills, Healing and Anatomy,
and it gives your stat points a boost.
If you want to have combat skills on your healer, training
Healing from scratch is the way to go, as it will increase
your strength. And for a mage, you should do Anatomy from
0 on, as it will boost your intelligence. However, put at
least 1 skill point in Healing as this will give your
char a pair of newbie scissors, which you will need often.
An ideal place to start is in Britain itself as it has some
cliffs in the city that you can use to train your skills on
(see below). It is also the largest and most populous city
in the land.
If you are determined to become a healer then I would strongly
suggest that you seek out a guild for healers on the shard
you're playing on. They are a good source of help when it
comes to training your skills and philosophy. Details on the
known healer guilds are below.
Training Healing and Anatomy
As with any training, serious effort should be spent on your
skills in the first hour online for each character. During
this "power hour" you have a greatly increased chance of gains
from using your skills as you will gain from fails as well.
Training Anatomy can be done two ways � directly and indirectly.
The direct method is as simple as setting up a "Use Skill
� Anatomy" macro and then targeting people as you walk around
town. You must target different people though in order to
maximize your gains. The indirect method will give you Anatomy
gains when you use other skills that also use Anatomy � like
Healing and combat related skills. Whether you opt for the
direct or indirect method is really up to you. It is possible
however to attain GM Anatomy without ever having to resort
to combat.
When talking about healing training below, it is assumed
that you have an anatomy score at least equal to that of your
healing score.
Training healing can be done only one way � actually healing
the wounds of the injured (this includes curing poisons and
resurrecting the dead). If your healing skill is below 50
then it is better for you to spend your intensive training
sessions with a friend at one of the cliffs in a guard zone
(there are cliffs in the towns of Delucia and Britain).

Cliffs in Britain

Cliffs in Delucia
Get your willing friend to throw him/herself off the cliffs
a few times � don�t worry they can�t die from this. Get them
to jump once and then heal, then twice before you heal � carry
on until you get the message �you apply the bandages but they
barely help�. This message means that the amount of damage
inflicted is right at the limit of your healing skills � healing
that much damage each time will increase the chances of skill
gains. You can also throw yourself off the cliff and heal
yourself if you are unable to find a training partner � but
it will take a bit longer.
Once you get to the mid 50�s in healing, you should consider
going out with a few warriors and heal them as they engage
in combat. Unless you have trained in combat as well make
sure you stay away from the fighting. The best thing that
a disciplined fighting group can do is to form a protective
wall around their healers: The warriors engage in hand to
hand combat, and the healers keep them alive.
At the mid 50�s you can also think about starting to train
on curing poison � though many skip this these days as you
can continue to train simply by healing wounds. If you do
wish to train on poison then you will really need a willing
partner. Get them to lock their Taste ID skill at 0 and then
use the Taste ID skill on a bit of bread that has been poisoned
(they must not eat the bread). After two or three attempts
you will find that they become poisoned and you can start
to cure them. They can continue to use taste ID on the poisoned
bread for ever � it is never used up. You can also try to
cure poison by getting a friend to drink poison potions �
useful if you are also learning Alchemy as someone is using
up all those potions! Get them to start on the lesser poison
first, and as your skill progresses move onto poison and eventually
greater poison once you get up to lower 70�s.
When you reach around 76 in Healing, then you should start
training on ghosts for maximum gains. The best way to do this
is to find a group of healers who have a boat and a ghost.
Sailing the seas training resurrection on a ghost may seem
like a strange thing to do but it is the best way to work
within the rules of the game and maximize the ability for
your character to become the great healer that you want to
be. Some folk may talk of sailing in a certain pattern or
direction � personally I just sail around and make sure that
the folk on board have a good time. If you start doing this
when you hit 76 in Healing then you should be able to resurrect
after two or thee one hour long boat sessions (during your
characters "power hour").
Getting to Grandmaster in Healing and Anatomy is just a matter
of time and patience - it's as simple as that. Continue with
the boat training, but also make sure that every waking hour
in the game your healer uses these skills that you have so
carefully trained in. Go to places where people engage in
combat and heal them. If there are scenario events going on,
then go to those places and offer your services to those that
fall to the monsters blows. Above all remember that training
Healing and Anatomy is but a small part in the complete training
to become a healer.
Complimentary skills
Healers need not be pacifists � in fact, a great deal of
them are highly skilled warriors. In the old days you had
to be a dab hand at self defence just to get to the bank.
Things are different now, yet there are many folk who follow
the path of the fantasy type cleric. Mace skills are the most
common for a cleric � actually having combat skills and training
them will greatly increase your healing and anatomy skills.
If you live in Felucca, then team up with a trusted friend
and engage in some hand to hand combat on each other. Make
sure you heal each other in order to get the most from the
training. Be careful though as one of you will be flagged
as a criminal for this. If you are in Trammel then the only
way you can train combat as well as healing is to be in the
same guild as them. The only other way to train any combat
skills in Trammel is on monsters or animals.
Other skills that many healers learn are Magery, Alchemy,
Spirit Speak and Tailoring. There are extensive notes on all
of these but Spirit Speak � a little known skill that almost
died out a year ago. The skill gives you the ability to understand
what all those "OOoo�s" spoken by a ghost are without having
to make them a party member. Many of you will wonder why folk
train a skill which does not offer them any great game advantage
� dedicated healers will know the answer to this.
The philosophy of a healer
So just what is a healer? Are they a person that has the
ability to cure the sick and injured. Can they resurrect the
dead? The answer is "yes and no". A healer is more than a
person who heals. A healer is a person that goes out of their
way to heal and help those in need. They go to places of great
danger in order to take their skills to the masses without
thinking of the personal danger to themselves. They treat
all people in the same way � even those who have strayed from
the law abiding path. A modern analogy to a healer would be
a cross between the most skilled surgeon/doctor and a Tibetan
A healer embraces the virtues of compassion, sacrifice, humility
and honesty�
- Compassion is the ability to be sympathetic to
the feelings and sufferings of others. To share their pain,
and, to do what thou can to ease their misery. Show compassion
in all thy dealings, lest thy heart grow hard and cold.
- Sacrifice is to love thy fellow creatures enough,
that thou art bravely able to give off thyself. To give
without thought of reward or gain. To sacrifice that which
thou dost need to aid those that are in need. Delve deep
into thy heart and soul that thou may find true generosity
of spirit.
- True humility is the opposite of pride, without
humility the path of the Avatar will be a rocky one. For,
if thy spirit is filled with pride then how cans't thou
learn? Thus shed thy pride, that thou may humbly follow
the virtues of the Avatar.
- Thou shalt not steal or lie, but more than this, seek
the truth in all things. Strive to be honest in all
thy actions. Look deep into thyself for, only by knowing
thyself can thou know truth.
Shard healer guilds
This should get you started, and well on your way. Welcome
to the healing arts! The world can always use more of us...
- Anna Fairweather