Placing House Add-On's, by Levi and Candy

Hello, my name is Levi, Tailor to Britannia

Grumpy OLD Adventurers (OLD)

And my name is Candy, Queen of Craft

Guardians of the Seven Seals (GSS)

Together we are here to bring you our guide to House Add-On deeds and placement. We hope you both enjoy and can benefit from what we have learned in this field of study.

First we would like to talk about deeds for a minute and what the direction part of the deed title means. Well, as far as we can tell, absolutely nothing. Just when you think you know what a deed facing east is going to mean they go and change the rules on you. Hence the need for this guide. I highly recommend you check every time before you buy that deed as they do not come cheap.

Next we'd like to talk about the general rules for the targeting and placement of an add-on. We prefer the two-person method of placing add-ons, one person to "use" the deed and target and the other person to remove the targeting aid from the floor where the add-on is to be placed.

Lets talk a little more about targeting aids, what they can be and what they are for. They can be any small objects that you can point the targeting cursor at, we prefer a sewing kit. The sewing kit when placed on a tile is very close to being centered, it's round, and it's of a size big enough to be seen easily.

Here are a few general facts about add-ons;

The owner of the house is the only person with the ability to place add-ons. They cannot be placed next to stairways or doors.
A few like the flourmill and the oven may only be placed on the top floor of a multi-floor structure.
Dartboards actually "think" they are placed on the floor and are targeted exactly the same as any other add-on.

Now let us move on to the meat of this guide, actual placement of the add-on. For a demonstration of this method I will use the simplest of all the add-ons to place, the small forge. In this first picture you can see that we have set up to place the add-on in the northwest corner of Candy's house. We have also set up a "grid" of sewing kits so you will be able to judge how many tiles each add-on will take up in your domicile. Candy has the deed in her pack, she has selected it, and has the targeting cursor placed directly over the sewing kit in the corner. She will tell me when she is ready and I will pick up the sewing kit to allow her at that point to "click" where the target has just been lifted.
And there it is right in the corner where we wanted it! Now you are ready to move on to the specific section with the House Add-on you wish to buy and place in your home. Each section demonstrates the targeting, the direction it faces and some specific information about that add-on.

So there you are, Go Forth and Decorate!

Levi and Candy
Decorators to the Masses