No new changes.
UOScr can basically be summed up as a 32bit Windows, Ultima Online
related, screen saver. However, in truth, it is a screen saver engine.
Plug-Ins (two of which are provided with the primary engine) provide
unique, UO animations. All animations come directly from UOs data files.
Hence, UOScr is of no use without said data files.
See screenshots.
Simply click below to download the latest version of UOScr.zip.
Once you have the file, use WinZip or like program to unzip the file
into the Windows\System directory. It may prove useful to unzip just
UOScr.txt before unzipping the file so that you may fully understand
what you are about to do to your system.
Latest Update on 08/24/1999
Download UOScr version (557KB)
Warning 1 Make sure that you do not have "Do not show hidden
or system files" turned on in your folder options in Windows. If you
do, you will not be able to see the DLLs that are used for plug-ins.
I apologize for this oversight and am considering changing the extension.
Warning 2 If you have a version of UOScr from before 12/10/1998,
the following Plug-Ins may not function properly. Please download the
latest version from above.
Latest Updated on 01/24/1999
Download Wisps
I have had several queries about code to create Plug-Ins for UOScr.
In hopes of seeing more screen savers, I am making Blackthorn's Retreat
available to the public. The code is written in Delphi 3.0--however, it
would be possible (with a fair knowledge of COM) to supply the necessary
interface from other languages (such as C++). The code is currently not
documented well, however, it should be fairly straight forward. Please
let me know if you develop any Plug-Ins so that I may link to them from
Last Updated on 03/14/1998
Download Blackthorn's Retreat (5KB)
