Lumin Hurst

UP: Britannia

In the dark of night, a pair of expert assassins
managed to slip past the guard of the Yew
prison. Somehow evading the skilled guards and making their
way towards the cell of the FoA
prisoner, they expertly delivered a vicious poison, leaving
not even the slightest wound upon the victim. Indeed, they
had already begun to flee before the poisoning was noticed.
Willum, a guard at the prison, sprang quickly
into action was the deed had been detected. The town criers
were alerted; an alarm was raised. News spread quickly and
the brave men and women of Britannia soon arrived to offer
their aid. Search parties were formed and before long the
assassins were found loitering about the forests east of Yew.
Though details are sketchy on what exactly transpired, one
gathers that they fought with great skill but were severely
outnumbered. The villains slain, the heroes of the day returned
to the Court
of Truth in Yew, whereupon they were congratulated and
rewarded by Willum.
From speaking with Willum himself, I have gathered
some additional details. A pair of notes were in the possession of the
assassins, one a list of poison ingredients, the other from a man named
Gruzak. While Willum was understandably reluctant to share more than this,
he assured me that the guard has matters in good hands. Furthermore, sages
are already hard at work discovering an antidote for the poison.

From the Town Cryer - The Journal of Ultima Online, ?, October ? 1998