Leora Vale

UP: Britannia

After the mysterious poisoning
of the captured FOA
prisoner, I had received news that Willum the guard was seeking
special reagents to cure their sick condition. He spread word
far and wide with many citizens responding to his call for
assistance. They searched for quite some time., but the search
was fruitful. Mandrake, Ginseng, and Nightshade plants were
brought to Willum at the Court
of Truth in Yew,
and he then went to find an alchemist to specially prepare
the mixture. As of now, the prisoner rests in the jails behind
the court recuperating.
I later managed to talk to Willum though 'twas
hard to reach him amongst the crowd of people surrounding him. We made
our way to the side of the court away from the crowds. He glanced at me
with a hard expression although a bit of worry was apparent by the way
he furrowed his brow. Willum assured me that the prisoner was on the road
to recovery and that the hunt for the natural reagents was a big success.
I asked if there was anything else he could tell me, and he quickly shook
his head. A bit too quickly if ye ask me, but his fear is understandable.
I shall remain in contact with Willum and await news of further developments
in the condition of the prisoner and anything else related.

From the Town Cryer - The Journal of Ultima Online, ?, October ? 1998