Jasper McCarrin


I was inspired recently to visit our Royal
zoo in Moonglow.
I went with high expectations hoping to see many fine examples
of the animals that share the land with us. Perhaps I would
even see some of the fierce monsters that terrorize our lives
and make our trips into the wild fraught with peril. Thus
was my frame of mind as I departed Vesper,
looking forward to my stay in Moonglow, and boarded a ship
for a brisk trip to the island.
Now, you probably do not know this, but I am not a good sailor. Oh,
I always look forward to sailing the wide ocean, to smelling the salty air, to watching
dolphins frolic amongst the waves, but once actually out upon the water
Well, I
loose mineself in a fine bottle of wine, or ale, or whatever, and pray for the ship to
remain still for at least a few seconds.
When the ship finally put into the docks at Moonglow, I vaulted to
shore with more energy than I had shown in days. Solid ground at last! I swore fervently
that never again would mine feet touch the wood of a ships deck!
But the trip didnt improve from that point as I had assumed it
would. While looking into accommodations at one of the inns, the Scholars Inn, I
spied an old acquaintance I had not seen for some time. During our exuberant exchange, I
mentioned my intention to spend time at the zoo. My friend grew strangely quiet upon
hearing this, and then handed me a small bound manuscript. He explained that a colleague
who knew one of the zookeepers from the Royal Zoo had passed it to him. This zookeeper had
received it from someone who had walked up to her at the zoo and just handed it to her. It
was disheartening reading, to say the least.
It was addressed to Lord British and titled, British READ
British, the state of thy state is atrocious!
As a long time resident of Moonglow, I am absolutely disgusted by the state of the
nearby zoo. Each and everytime I hath visited it in the past month, it hath been full of
arrows and crosbow bolts, and no animals.
Thy guards allow common brigands to slay the trapped animals inside.
This situation is deplorable.
If thou wisheth to even appear a competent ruler, thou must remedy this situation!
It is signed with a signet seal in wax that reads, Madras of
Moonglow, Adept Wizard, Heckler of British.
Needless to say, I made my apologies and hurried to the zoo to see
for mineself. Sadly, all was true. The few creatures I did find were corpses. Every single
one. Other than mineself, the only living things I found were the plants, though many a
trees wore arrows as fake, feathered branches. The ground in each cage was truly littered
with spent arrows and crossbow bolts that had eluded the reach of the unscrupulous archers
who shot them.
Something must definitely be done. The Royal Zoo should
be a source of wonderment and education. It should be a place
to visit in order to learn more about our realm by seeing
the creatures that share it, not a shooting range for unvirtuous
rangers. I am saddened deeply by this heartless slaughter.
A joyful jaunt to the zoo had gone wrong at every turn. Perhaps
next time I will just journey to Jhelom
and visit the
there. Such a place is where one expects to see violence,
not the zoo.
Jhelom? I havent been there in quite some time.
Perhaps an excursion is in order. I could hire a ship and make a leisurely voyage across
the sea, soaking up the sun and basking in the blusterous sea air. Yes, I think I will.
See you there

From the Town Cryer - The Journal of Ultima Online, Thursday, March 5th 1998
