Rathorus Dano
UP : Britain (Pacific)
Employment appears to be on the rise in
Britannia. Master Chef Duncan of Britain
put citizens to work yesterday evening, delivering pizzas
to the hardworking guards of the land. The guards in
this land work hard, said Duncan, and they dont
even get time off to enjoy a decent meal. Thats where
I come in. I can bake them pizzas, but the demand has been
so great that I need the help of the good citizens of Britannia
to get the finished product out the door and into the hands
of the guards before it can get cold. After baking the
pizzas, Duncan puts them in the hands of the deliverer, who
takes them to the guards and receives a small token. The token
can be redeemed by Duncan back in the Good Eats Bakery, where
the deliver receives their cut of 50 gold pieces.
Chef Duncan never dreamed he would grab so much
interest. I thought I would have maybe one or two people show up, but we had nearly
a dozen come to the Good Eats Bakery only five minutes after I asked the town criers to
announce my request for delivery persons. I couldnt make the pizzas fast enough. I
had deliverers standing around waiting for something to do! I may have to enlist the aid
of some other chefs. I always have plenty of orders, but now that I know there are plenty
of hard-working citizens looking for a job, I may have to step up production.
The hardworking guards are always thankful for the food
deliveries. Theres not much time to rest as a guard, says Gerald the
guard, There always seems to be a light-fingered rouge that needs tending to nearby.
We dont get much chance to eat, so the deliveries from Duncan and his helpers are
greatly appreciated. That thankfulness was shown by all the guards, as the hot meals
were delivered to them. The Britannian citizens showed great concern for the guards as
well. The deliverers know that a hot meal goes a long way on a cold night. From time to
time, drop into Britains Good Eats Bakery and see if Duncan or some of the other
Master Chefs are inside baking pizza. They might need a delivery, and theres a bit
of gold in it for the lucky deliverer.
From the Town Cryer - The Journal of Ultima Online, Saturday, March 14th 1998