

It would seem that a sorted lot of quick thinking Pirates
agreed to sell Buccaneer's
Den (Which they cannot do) to the Orcs. I fear the pirates
were negotiating for their lives and tricked the Orcs into
thinking they now own the Island of Buccaneer's Den. The Pirates
were have said to been killed by the Orcs anyway and the Orcs
took over the Island. Buildings burned, as the cries of the
townsfolk could be heard from all corners of the island.
Towncryers called out for the people of Britannia to aid this city
of cut throats in ridding it of it's newly unwelcome guests. The battle lasted for days as
the Orcs angrily fought for their land that they now thought they owned. The warriors were
victorious, for now
Being that the Orcs think they own the Island. I am sure we have not
seen the last of them on Buccaneer's Den. Until an agreement can be made with the Orcs or
the Deed of Sale for the Island can be destroyed, I fear the Orcs will take many a life in
protecting their newly found fort.
Fires still burn in Buccaneer's Den, and will until this matter is
Related article(s):
Buccaneer's Den still owned by orcs
Buccaneer's Den free once more

From the Town Cryer - The Journal of Ultima Online, Monday, March 16th 1998
