Genn Wintord

UP: Napa Valley

Ocllo - A mass
of harpies descended onto the island of Ocllo today. Destroying
crops, feeding on pets, and terrorizing the population, the
feathered creatures needed to be shown the way off of the
isle. Many warriors from other towns made their way to Ocllo
to help in what ended up as a wonderful example of cooperation
between various regions of the realm. The welfare of Ocllo
was put above other petty differences citizens of different
cities may hold.
Speculations abound as to why they came to Ocllo, an island that is
rarely visited by such foul monsters. Lack of food possibly, as stronger creatures seem to
be in abundance elsewhere these days. Maybe they simply sensed an easy food source on
Ocllo - a sense that in the end proved false. Perhaps the simplest possibility is that
they were involved in a normal migration pattern and chose to rest on Ocllo before
continuing their journey to wherever they were bound.
Regardless, the threat to Ocllo was meet and conquered. I send
thanks to the brave warriors of our realm once again.
Related article(s):
The harpy hen

From the Town Cryer - The Journal of Ultima Online, Tuesday, March 24th 1998
